From theory to practice - page 1586

Uladzimir Izerski:

Monitoring has nothing to do with the side.

I once read correspondence between the owners of two well-known brokerage houses.

So they openly said that almost no one ever withdraw their winnings. Only the remainder of ...

As soon as people learn to understand the market, to trade successfully they will open a brokerage company.

How many brokerage companies do we see?

Those are successful ones.

The rest are sofa and forum talkers. For short, DFB.

Congratulations to all with the new title)).

Uladzimir Izerski:

Monitoring has nothing to do with the side.

I once read correspondence between the owners of two well-known brokerage houses.

So they openly said that almost no one ever withdraw their winnings. Only the rest of the ...

"Almost" - how many percent? Not 95 by any chance?) That's not the point. It's about the fact that Alexander believes in some forum talkers who have not a single proof of success. It's bad for the psyche.
"Almost" is how many percent? Not 95 by any chance?)) That's not the point. It's about the fact that Alexander believes in some forum talkers who have not a single proof of success. It's bad for the psyche.

So it has long been known to some that the DFBs are creating confusion, imposing their opinions, offering robots that supposedly bring in profits. And many other perks)


I ama great friend:

Doc - "I've almost achieved a completely symmetrical distribution of increments on M15, and my neural network is doing fine with that input data".

... But I don't know how to overcome the spread.

Asaulenko - "I learned how to simulate the distribution that dominates the market - island-shaped and thick-tailed, I know why it's like that and I know how to work with it. And all of you are papooses".

... But I never managed to make money on forex using my system, it only works on the stock market.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

_Vizard - I have not managed to create a TS that works all the time

I need very expensive data, otherwise 1-3% per annum

Alesha - fuck you all, I have compliance

Doc - I earned more than 1k$ once and only by accident on numerai, but then I started speculating on crypto and almost lost everything. This was the last straw in my epic with markets and the full stop was set.

Asaulenko - I think he is some kind of a fool, a guy without a core, there is no trust in him.

Wizard - well done, he is trying, but he is not very useful and soon he will probably give up completely, like Doc and will go to the stock exchange.

He tries to be mysterious, like gypsies or Hindus, to make all run to brokerage companies to withdraw their deposits.

Alyosha died a violent death, like Yura Reshetov, what else can you say about them, they are dead, we all will die one day.


Speaking of progress.

About 100 years ago, under-the-hood sales of money-printing machines were popular in bazaars. The equivalent of today's robots)))))))))))))))))))

There was a simple device made of rollers and a strip of material which hid real roubles, and when you inserted the blank paper, the real money came out.

Nothing has changed in the form of cheating) in a hundred years ))))))))))))))))))))))))


How different the discussion was before and now in this thread...

It's just pomp and circumstance. (

Mikhail Dovbakh:

How different the discussion was before and now in this thread...

It's just ponce and ruin.

Yes, I've noticed that after reading the old "New Neural Network - Open Source Neural Network Engine Project for MetaTrader 5 Platform" and then trying to browse the current branch about machine learning. And it's not so much the quality of information, but the accents and context, as well as emotional background, as if people became more stupid and aggressive, as if they had moved from a seminar at the university to a provincial bazaar where buyers and sellers put 250 for a collar 8(

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

_Vizard - I have not been able to create a TS which works all the time

I need very expensive data, otherwise 1-3% p.a.

Alesha - fuck you all, I have compliance

I don't need a lecture - I have an erection -
from the same thread

Oooh! That's something new.

More fun.

Mikhail Dovbakh What lectures did we miss?

I will come back for sure, if you remind me.

Ольга Кириенко:

Ahhhh! Bravo, madam! You are beautiful.