From theory to practice - page 1551

Aleksey Nikolayev:

How about Poincaré's return theorem? Stationarity is not enough there - ergodicity is needed.

There are also statements about unit probability of reaching any point for one- and two-dimensional SBs, but these are not stationary processes (the variance grows with time).

I don't know, I'll have to look into the theorem, but at first sight it's not the same.
About the second option, closer to the body )), in fact we do not always have perfect stationarity, so a possible increase in dispersion should probably be taken into account.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

How about Poincaré's return theorem? Stationarity is not enough there - ergodicity is needed.

Alyosha, what are you by education? Sometimes you say such things... At Moscow State University on the Faculty of Mechanics, do they teach such things?

what if it doesn't work out? ))

Would have had to go back to the factory) so there was motivation to explore)


Would have had to go back to the factory) so there was motivation to explore)

You're a risky guy, bass.

The last one I met here was two years ago, a guy named Demko. The same one, when he felt a great power in himself, he dropped everything and peered into the monitor, expecting to see the Truth.

And you know, it seems that he really saw something - he does not appear on the forum anymore.

who's alive?

You're a risky guy, Bass.

The last one I met here two years ago was a desperado named Demko. He, too, when he felt great power in himself, gave up everything and goggled at the monitor, expecting to see the Truth.

And you know, he seems to have seen something - he does not appear on our forum any more.

Demko must be testing his creations on the demo).


Aliosha, what kind of education are you? Sometimes you say such things... Do they teach such things at MSU at the Faculty of Mechanics?

Nicholaev's stamina is astonishing, it is unclear how he still manages to remain unbanned. Probably trained on failing students.
Do you guys ever sleep?)
Ehhh weekday who goes to the factory who goes to the circus)))

Demko must be testing his creations on the demo).

No. I remember perfectly, he was working quietly, working, sometimes taking part in discussions in this thread, and suddenly, one day, he literally shouted here very strongly. Something like: "You are all pygmies here! I've been searching for the Grail for 10 years and I've finally partaken of it!!! Now you suffer!!!" After that, he was blown away... That's what happened and that's the plain truth. I could swear on the Bible.