From theory to practice - page 1519


You're a strong one, Wizard, I'll give you that. I'm afraid to imagine who you really are. Well, you don't have to.

Send me some pictures of the sorcerer in the mail, I'd like to see them.

Олег avtomat:

So what? Did you prove anything? You don't even know what you're talking about.

It's about the fact that with such trade figures it's not worth filling other people's heads with


Do you have anything substantive to say?

Go post your pictures on the radio electronics forum, then.

Why are you messing with people's heads?

There was one guy who yelled about reading a 94-page book on diffusion.

Now he's screaming about not doing it.

The second hero from the radio came out and said, "You need to tweak the tuning on the FM and everything will be all right".)

I can see you're a screamer.

Олег avtomat:

You seem to be a shouting kind of guy.

Judging by the results, that's all we can do.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Judging by the results, that's all we can do.

Theoretically, a zigzag point has been formed (not the current one, but the previous one, which has already been formed) and everything to the left of this point is irrelevant...


The point is that with such a trading performance, it is not worth filling others' heads with

the task is different.

And such "smart guys" do not understand what they are talking about and what tasks are set, so they mislead others

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Theoretically, a zigzag point has formed (not the current one, but the previous one, which has already been formed) everything to the left of this point is irrelevant ...

very much does.

Олег avtomat:

the task there is different

And such "smart guys" themselves do not understand what we are talking about, what the task is, so they mislead others

By the way, "yes", Oleg

everyone here is solving his problem, in fact

and that's why we're arguing about nothing.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Send me some pictures of the sorcerer in the mail, I'd like to see them.

I don't save them. I remember which ones I need. These are the kind of clues that you have to understand right away. If you don't understand them right away, you'll never understand them. Mystique, in a word...

Renat Akhtyamov:

By the way, yes, Oleg.

everyone here is up to the task, in essence.

That's why we argue about nothing.

apparently, yes.