From theory to practice - page 1389



Withdrawing from a demo account every month then?



Rename the branch to "Ward #6".

Come on, let them laugh))).

Sometimes some interesting thoughts are prompted. And the work of the brain - a useful thing. :)

Hu Jou had spent a whole year, or more, among the inhabitants of the snow country. He was not able to understand the meaning and skill of the hunters in catching birds and beasts. He heard about the most revered hunter and came to him with a desire to learn all the subtleties and peculiarities of hunting of the locals. I would like to be your apprentice. "How much time must I devote to training to reach your level?" - Hu Jou asked the skilled hunter. 'At least seven years, no more than eight. That long? Isn't there a shorter way? There is, but you will learn only the outer side of the training, not its essence. Even if you meditate day and night in the "cherry on a snow-covered rock" pose in your yard, it may take you six years. Meditation alone will not make you a master, but it can restore peace of mind and body that is so necessary for any hunter.

Hu Jou tried to penetrate into the mysteries of the art of the hunters of the ice country. It seemed that he had already comprehended the mysterious and incomprehensible world of the locals when the event drastically changed everything. One day he went hunting with hunters to catch a red beast, which was considered the most valuable trophy in the icy land. They spent three days hunting for the beast, traversing the wilds of the forests, getting stuck in the deep snow, but they were not able to get it. Hu Jou was grieved that they had failed to catch the cunning and nimble beast. But he was more surprised at the behaviour of the hunters. They were laughing and having fun. Even though they were tired and cold while chasing the cunning beast. And he realized that it was not the prey itself that was important, but the unity of people and love...

By the end of the sixth year it seemed to Hu Jou that he had penetrated into the very essence of the art of hunting. For it was not the prey, but the concept itself that had become central to him. He told his teacher about this discovery. The teacher thought for a while and then said: "Now you will have to learn what is higher than that and what is the foundation of our school. What do I have to do for this? "Is it to meditate in the courtyard for a few more years?" - Hu Jou was a little confused. 'You have exhausted your soul by searching for hidden meaning,' smiled the teacher. 'Try to get rid of it and discover a love for all that surrounds you. Maybe you have been searching for something that has been in you all the time, and you just need to feel it.


And if there are two orders, then 100% of the risk is spread between them...if there are 10 orders .... If there are 20 orders, then on average 5% risk is spread between each order. By closing the orders the risk is decreased by another couple of percents.

If two orders are unidirectional, the risk is not increasing, but simply accelerating in its readings with the price movement.

And so on.

You've got an easy case:
Took the 10 mill.
And learned!)
You work off calling likely clients for a loan and scrubbing floors with the borrower!
So, guys; are we going to move on from theory to practice, or are we going to chew each other up some more?
Алексей Тарабанов:
So, guys, shall we move on from theory to practice, or shall we chew each other up some more?

Have YOU moved on to practice yet? (A proper poster with a pointing finger is needed here)


It's hard...

For some reason the dough doesn't want to flow into my pockets like a full-flowing river. And I've dusted them thoroughly.

It's a shame...


in practice it is very simple:

since the variety of market movements is very large and tends to infinity,

then the process of predicting price movements comes down to a simple ratio of the distance of potential profit to potential loss.

Got it, we'll chew on it.

It's hard...

For some reason the dough doesn't want to flow into my pockets like a full-flowing river. And I've dusted them thoroughly.

That's a shame.

From a $100 deposit? Dough? Where would it come from?

The main flaw in your strategy is that it's designed for 100 quid.)