From theory to practice - page 1314



Who knows, but I don't have enough information to say anything about the system itself. The graph, in general, is about nothing.


Stop torturing the man, it's clear enough.

So he fantasized a little, it doesn't happen:)

These *** are sabotage. And people, instead of looking for normal systems with realistic profit, at least the same flat rates, after reading these ***, start looking for some nonexistent formulas. They waste their precious time.


What are you smoking?

You're fucked up, don't go to extremes.

It's no big deal...

Renat Akhtyamov:

What are you smoking?

You're screwed, don't go to extremes.

It's no big deal...

you're broke believing in 30% a day? )))

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Who knows, but I don't have enough information to say anything about the system itself. The graph, in general, is about nothing.

Give me your graph then.


These *** are sabotage. And people, instead of looking for normal systems with realistic profit, at least the same flat rates, after reading these ***, start looking for some nonexistent formulas. They waste their precious time.

That's the way it should be. Natural selection. Everyone must eventually draw their own conclusions, educate themselves and move on. Previously the role of all sorts of forum grailshiks was performed by writers of books on theanalysis with the help of mcdas, aligators, etc., which, by and large, are still a dull piece of shit.
If a person is ready to analyse, the result will be good, if not - go to the factory.

Show me your timetable then.

I don't have them in the wild.) You have to go to the archives and build it yourself, there's no other way.) Yeah, I didn't promise anyone anything.

But that's not the point, it's the informative nature of yours. What is this %%? If the lot, 0.01 is one thing, if the lot is 0.1 it's a completely different conclusion about the system.

Position holding time: no information - no conclusions about the system. And so on.

And I'm only interested in what this thread (1314 pages) has ended up with.

If a person is prepared to analyse, he will be useful, if not, he should go to a factory.

Better as a chief engineer. Director is dangerous).

Yuriy Asaulenko:

All I am interested in is what this topic (1314 pages) has resulted in.

We will discuss this in three months' time in the real world.

That's the way it should be. It is a natural selection. Everyone must eventually draw their own conclusions, educate themselves and move on. In the past the role of all sorts of forum grabbers has been performed by authors of books on technical analysis with the help of mcd's, aligators, etc., which are by and large still a boring piece of shit.
If a person is prepared to analyse, it will be useful, if not, go to the factory.

Shouldn't we expose forum blabbermouths?