From theory to practice - page 1093


No one is complicating anything. I personally intend to work with non-empty second TFs where there has been at least one tick in 1, 2, 3... seconds was at least one tick. The time intervals there are inherently non-linear.

And going to Minkowski distances will just give a picture in a linear reference frame. I don't know what it will be. I hope it's a sine wave :)))

Ooh! Great. Looking forward to the graph.

Looking forward to it.

and here's your Schrodinger's cat, just to get you in the mood ;)



Transformed increments according to the formulaE

And so (red line) if you add this increment x to the past price.

Interestingly, the average price and the red line for the period are identical.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Converted increments by formulae

And so (red line) if you add this increment x to the last price.

Interestingly, the average price and the red line for the period are identical.

It's crazy... I have to think about it... Has the mysterious formulae been found?!


It's crazy... I have to think... Has the mystery formula been found?!

It's the same formula as the last time, only with a plus and the root taken out. But what does it do now?

Evgeniy Chumakov:

So it's the same formula as last time, only with a plus and the root taken out. But what does it do now?

Nah, it should be like this:

X-axis is a uniform scale of events (1, 2, ...)

The Y axis is the value S^2=(Tn-Tn-1)^2-(PRICEn-PRICEn-1)^2.

And you have + instead of -. I.e. the distance according to Pythagoras' theorem.

It's still a beautiful picture. Amazing.

Is it on M1?

I don't know how to profit from it - just admiring the unusual beauty.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Converted increments by formulae

And so (red line) if you add this increment x to the past price.

Interesting that the average price and the red line for the period are identical.

Yeah, it's a nice thing - pretty))

I have a better one ahah))

This thing weighs 16000 lines of optimized code and doesn't make any money.)


Is this on the M1?


Evgeniy Chumakov:


Nah, there's clearly a certain structure... I'm amazed.


Nah, there's clearly a certain structure... I'm amazed.

I predict your soon to be disappointed...unfortunately...


Nah, there's clearly a certain structure... I'm amazed.

You can draw as many pretty pictures as you like and have no success.

Or you could do this.