From theory to practice - page 847


It is actually a conceptual question.

The answer to it is this:

1. The phrase: "only the spread is against us" is only true for a random walk with expectation =0

2. The market is not a random walk, but a much more complex process that has no expectation. The corresponding integral is stupidly divergent, tending to infinity.

Those who are able to look into infinity, who can move their mind and soul into the Hilbertian space, win the market. But there are only 5% of such people, including Papuans. Alas...

So the Cauchy distribution works out?)
So, does the Cauchy distribution work out?)

This is not Cauchy, but it is very close.

It belongs to the class of stable distributions with 0<Alpha<1, unlike Cauchy, which has Alpha=1.

It's even more complicated than Cauchy. But, I stopped my research in time (as I wish you) and stupidly work with such a distribution, as it is. I just keep a close eye on its excess and asymmetry in dynamics.


It is actually a conceptual question.

The answer to it is this:

1. The phrase: "only the spread against us" is only true for a random walk with expectation =0

2. The market is not a random walk, but a much more complex process that has no expectation. The corresponding integral is stupidly divergent, tending to infinity.

Those who are able to look into infinity, who can move their mind and soul into the Hilbertian space, win the market. But there are only 5% of such people, including Papuans. Alas...

So is there no expectation or it is present and tends to infinity?

A time series WITHOUT MO is, of course, well, I don't know what to say....


So is there no expectation or is it present and tending to infinity?

A time series WITHOUT MO is, of course, well, I don't know what to say....

So keep your mouth shut, blinking your eyes at the screen. For a serious conversation, show me your state and diploma of education.


So keep your mouth shut and stare at the screen. For a serious conversation, show me your state and diploma in education.

Why don't you ask so little? Ask for the size of your dick.))
Andrey Dik:
Why don't you ask so many questions? Ask for the size of your dick.))

:))) I'm sick and tired of losers arguing.

I perceive solely and only physicists, mathematicians, whom I can see immediately. And also people who are creative, non-standard and non-linear thinkers. They are always interesting. But that's just... ...just to say something... - I can't stand them.

Andrey Dik:
Why don't you ask so many questions? Ask for dick size.)))

The trend is not clear, this is the second thread where it's all about dicks. What's the world coming to?


That's all right - I'll wait.


That's all right - I'll wait.

There is nothing to wait for.

Let me make it clear again - I know what I am writing about and I am setting people up for serious work with the market, an unusual view of it, rather than stupidly throwing coins around like Kisa Vorobyaninov with government bonds, which is exactly what you and Bass are doing - what are we talking about anyway?!?


The trend is not clear, this is the second thread where it's all about dicks. What's the world coming to?

Well, it's a perennial trend, it's what the whole world is hanging on to, not rolling on.