From theory to practice - page 557


I laughed for a long time) great joke, keep on laughing)

OK, you're basically right of course. Control peasant question, for three points: is such a conversion possible for SB?



A control peasant question, for three points: is such a conversion possible for the SB?

It is possible. But then what to do with it? There will be nothing left of the original BP).

Peasant control question, for three points

Uncle, are you asking to be my teacher? Grading me... Have you eaten henbane? At least show me a screenshot of your parochial school diploma. Ugh, man.



Okay, good. Now a question for four. What if in the raw data (in the market) there is simply NO return, as in SB. Will you still persist in trying to get it, another 556 pages ?
All right. Now a question for four. And if the input data (in the market) simply does not have a return, as in SB. Will you still persist in trying to get it, for another 556 pages ?

:))) I don't know. That's why I'm asking for help in solving some particular problems from forum members. For example, until I figure out the ACF, I won't budge.


Uncle, are you asking to be my teacher? Grading me... Are you full of henbane? At least show me a screenshot of your parochial school diploma. Ugh, man.

I take it you don't want an "A" question? Okay.)
And it's on your profile.)

Uncle, are you asking to be my teacher? Grading me... Are you full of henbane? At least show me a screenshot of your parochial school diploma. Ugh, man.

In forex, just like in life, it's not necessary for highly educated people to be successful. Cripples and hooligans have been known to become great businessmen. I personally went to the same class as one perpetually snivelling loser. Now he is a big industrialist in Yekaterinburg and was close to Rossel when he was governor of the Sverdlovsk Region.

I take it you don't want an A question? ok)
and the screenshot is in the profile))

:))) OK, uncle, you're being touchy...

Nah, I don't want questions - I want answers or a trading signal based on physical and mathematical theory that I would feel comfortable subscribing to. I don't see any... Open and this thread becomes irrelevant.

Good. Now a question for four. What if in the raw data (in the market) there is simply NO return as in SB. Will you still persist in trying to get it, another 556 pages ?

It is there, and from the experimental data its statistically significant values are established, it (return) is equal to 0.6, 1, 1.6 from the momentum, which corresponds to continuation of the trend, a flat and a reversal.

Good. Now a question for four. What if in the raw data (in the market) there is simply NO return, as in SB. Will you still persist in trying to get it, another 556 pages ?
Is there a reversion in the SB? Question for max 3).