From theory to practice - page 397


So you're the one who's obsolete, running around with a prehistoric mashka like a piece of piss to isolate the coveted signal...


But you are old-fashioned, carrying around a prehistoric machine like a pee stick to isolate the coveted signal...

Well, in a sense, I agree, although I don't have AI in the literal sense.

I'm not claiming to be the final authority.

But, we need beautiful solutions. You know? So that it takes your breath away. Synergetics, quantum physics, transformation of space and time... Yeah, you name it.

And stupid signal extraction - yes, no one is interested.


Well, in a sense, I agree, although I don't have AI in the literal sense.

I'm not claiming to be the final authority.

But, we need beautiful solutions. You know? So that it takes your breath away. Synergetics, quantum physics, transformation of space and time... Yeah, you name it.

And just a stupid signal extraction - yes, no one is interested in it.

Well and I also about it, that with a primitive wand for extraction of a signal it is impossible to sail far, unless towards the bottom. )) But do you need it?

Look for a better formula for it, and noise is noise as it is, don't mock the Papuans for nothing. ))


Well, that's what I mean, you can't get far with a primitive signal extraction wand, except maybe towards the bottom. )) Do you need it?

Look for a better formula, while noise is noise as it is, don't bother with it for no reason. ))

I am looking for it. And of course I'm counting on the members of the forum. I cannot solve such tasks by myself.

And what do I hear?

Asaulenko: "I have to feed the neuronet myself and do everything on my own. I help myself day and night".

"You have to tirelessly throw coins of different denominations in different directions and dedicate your whole life to it."

What kind of babbling is that?

More useful are sketchy phrases of Koldun, Wizard_2018, Alexey Ivanov and others, who really know and don't care about coins, oscilloscopes, ACF and other nonsense.


Looking for. And, of course, I'm counting on forum members. Such tasks cannot be solved alone.

And what do I hear?

Usually they are solved by themselves))

You won't get smarter with someone else's head, but it's never too late to get smart. All it takes is the will.


It's usually just a matter of making up your mind alone.)

You won't get smarter with someone else's head, but it's never too late to get smart. All it takes is the will.

Well, decide. I won't get in the way.

Nikolay Demko:

It is not the speed of observation that is changing, but the process itself is speeding up and slowing down relative to calendar time.

So the process itself is not involved in Alexander's model in any way (if you mean the process of pricing).

We take the surface characteristics and try to fit them into the model. At the same time, there are constant attempts to exclude half (if not more) of the data from consideration.

If for forex this kind of omissions can work (because quotations are semi-synthetic), then at the exchange market the result will be quick and consistent with such omissions of data.)

Dmitriy Skub:

So the process itself is not involved in Alexander's model in any way (if you mean the pricing process).

They take superficial characteristics and try to fit them into the model. At the same time, half (if not more) of the data is constantly attempted to be excluded from consideration.

If for forex such a throwing out can work (because the quotes are semi-synthetic), then on the stock exchange the result will be fast and consistent with such a throwing out of data.)

Ok, Dimitri.

Ok. Your position is clear - we have to work with every tick. In an exchange, the vendor is responsible for every quote.

And TIME is not involved in your algorithms at all??? The usual astronomical time, with which the physics of diffusion processes is permeated?

Dmitriy Skub:

If for forex this kind of throwing out may work (because the quotes are semi-synthetic), then on the stock exchange the result will be quick and consistent with such a throwing out of data.)

The forex is more efficient, so on the contrary - if the stock exchange can do it...


Here, I will not be lazy to do the distribution of time intervals between ticks for the AUDCHF pair for the past week.

Here, so far, literally after processing the 10 min data.

It's an Erlang flow! Can't you see it?

But, its parameters vary depending on the time of day. And there has to be a strict, direct correlation between astronomical and this "forex time". You cannot use only one of them. IMHO.