From theory to practice - page 219


By the way, did you agree that the primary understanding of the process is curvilinear?

Judging from the circumstantial evidence, this agreement was not purely consensual... For it does not have to be as explained earlier.)
And, if it is not a secret, did you give him your formula so that he could add his own recognition, or did he derive his own formula for the machine himself on the basis of your stories?

Secret. But, we're both physicists, we've done a bit of work together. Only he went further into neural networks, and I have enough of these channels.

Judging by indirect signs the consent was not pure... For it does not have to be as explained earlier.)

How can you make such a mess, eh, men!)) After all, the implication of my thought was simple, if you understand the processes, you can find the right formulas...)


Secret. But, we're both physicists, we've done a bit of work together. Only he went further into neural networks, and I have enough to do with these channels.

And if you had a mathematical model to distinguish between trend and flat, but without neural networks, but by other formulas, could it be of interest?


And if you had a mathematical model to distinguish between a trend and a flat, but without neural networks, and using other formulas it could be of interest?

Of course. But not right now. I'm just resting now - it's been hard to moderate this thread, but maybe someone could moderate it for me. For example, the lovelyNovaja. А?


How can you make such a mess, eh, men!)) After all, the implication of my thought was simple, if you understand the processes, you can find the right formula)))

Just formula is not the same formula ))). You can screw up such a formula that you can't figure it out without a half-liter)).

You somehow sorry sitting quietly like a mouse, but could for example share with the people an understanding of these processes because from a female point of view it looks quite different than that of a man)))


Of course. But not right now. I'm just resting now - it's been hard to moderate this thread, but maybe someone can take over for me. For example, the lovelyNovaja. А?

It's your brainchild, Alexander, you're in charge )))).


It's your brainchild, Alexander, you're the one to "answer" ))))

Agree with us, the brainchild will not hurt, and we will help)))

Just a formula is not the same as a formula.) You can make such a mess of formulas that you won't understand them without a half a litre)).

You somehow sorry sit quietly like a mouse, but could for example share with the people an understanding of these processes, because from a female point of view it looks very different than that of a man)))

Everyone can not be a millionaire))). I have my own branch where I "go crazy", so, excuse me)))))


This is your brainchild, Alexander, you are the "answer" ))))

Go for it!!!!!!! People will help. Don't forget that the legendary Warlock and Vladimir will always lend a helping hand. Maybe something interesting will turn up. Just write your thoughts on physical and mathematical processes in the market. Interesting! I'll give you the Grail anyway :)))