From theory to practice - page 186


It's always like this.- We were first in line and those behind us were already eating. (c)


The grail will never break if everyone knows about it. The markets just "don't know" how to move differently. And they will never "learn" to. I downloaded the chart from Punk's time into the terminal and it is the same, nothing has changed over the century. Computers, technology on the stock exchange, the availability of information, the composition of participants and instruments, etc. etc. - are different.

Everything is different. But the relationships (interaction) and the result in the form of a chart have not changed a bit. It is a long story why it is so. In the book here's a little bit about it.

Хакен Г. - Тайны природы. Синергетика - наука о взаимодействии
Хакен Г. - Тайны природы. Синергетика - наука о взаимодействии
  • 2010.09.24
Книга представляет собой перевод на русский язык знаменитой «Тайны природы» Германа Хакена. Ее первейшая цель — донести до читателя идеи синергетики, позволяющие познать удивительные, необычайно разнообразные, организованные структуры, созданные самой природой. Для самого широкого круга читателей.

It's always like this.- We were first in line and those behind us were already eating. (c)


The grail will never break if everyone knows about it. The markets just "can't" move any other way. It's a long story why this is the case.

The real marketgrail (Forex is not a market) will be instantly broken, if not everyone knows (uses) it, but many, and not even very many. "It's a long story why it's so." (с)

But even if the Grail is found for Forex, it will be immediately used on the real market. And the end of the Grail in Forex).

Yuriy Asaulenko:

The grail in the real market (forex is not a market) will break instantly if not everyone knows (uses) about it, but many, and not even very many. "It's a long story why this is so." (с)

But even if the Grail is found for Forex, it will be immediately used on the real market. And the end of the Grail in Forex).

Yes! But a good strategy always has room for improvement
Renat Akhtyamov:
Yes! There is always room for improvement in a good TC

Not always. I've already given the example of a good system of mine which, 3 years after it was taken off the market, basically refused to work when I tried to restore it.

At the same time, it was still in working order.

I remembered that such experiment was conducted twice, with different systems and similar results.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Not always. I've already given the example of a good system of mine which, 3 years after it was taken off the market, basically refused to work when I tried to restore it.

At the same time, it was still in working order.

Zy Recall that such an experiment was even conducted twice, with different systems and similar results.

That's why AI is a universal tool that worked in the past, works in the present and will work in the future, unlike rigid algorithms and notorious rules.....

Mihail Marchukajtes:

That is why AI is a versatile tool that has worked in the past, works in the present and will work in the future, unlike rigid algorithms and proverbial rules.....

What is AI as you define it? Are you already working with it?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

What is AI? Are you already working with it?

Yuri, are you kidding me?

It's just that the question "with it" means you're aware of it.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Yuri, you've got to be kidding me.

It's just that the question "with him" means you're aware

Quite seriously. But the question is for the author of the post. Clarified, by the way.


Alexander, which is better for your strategy - trend or flat?

At, either a flat or a trend can trade well, but not both.

How do you feel about it?

Renat Akhtyamov:

Yuri, are you kidding me?

It's just that the question "with him" means you're knowledgeable.

Anything new to tell?