From theory to practice - page 98

Nikolay Demko:

Right on, I'm really looking forward to Alexander's answer.

I suspect that he just hasn't thought about it yet - due to the novelty of the subject, etc.
Dmitriy Skub:
I suspect that he just hasn't thought about it yet - due to the novelty of the object of study, etc.

The answer probably won't come until today.

ZS this is a kind of arivädirchi.

Dmitriy Skub:
I suspect that he just hasn't thought about it yet - due to the novelty of the object of study, etc.
Eh.... My respects, Dimitri! Good question - went to think about it.

Even chaos is subject to certain laws. And markets do, too. He who seeks it finds it.

Eh.... My respects, Dimitri! Good question - went to think about it.

I will give you a hint, at certain levels the intensity of trades increases, i.e. the market as if gets into a gravity well and until all energy of this well is drained out the level will not disappear.

It is difficult to cross such a level and when it is crossed it follows the return, just like sliding along the walls of the gravity well but in projection on the plane.

Hence the strange drawings in the form of converging triangles, which have long been discovered in technical analysis.

Nikolay Demko:

I will give you a hint, at certain levels the intensity of trades increases, i.e. the market as if gets into a gravity well and until all energy of this well is drained out the level will not disappear.

It is difficult to cross such a level and when it is crossed it follows the return, just like sliding along the walls of the gravity well but in projection on the plane.

Hence the strange drawings in the form of converging triangles, which have long been discovered in technical analysis.

The levels are where all the struggle is concentrated. And there is always an opportunity before a level is reached.

Nikolay Demko:

I will give you a hint, at certain levels the intensity of trades increases, i.e. the market as if gets into a gravity well and until all energy of this well is drained out the level will not disappear.

It is difficult to cross such a level and when it is crossed it follows the return, just like sliding along the walls of the gravity well but in projection on the plane.

Hence the strange patterns in the form of converging triangles that have long been discovered in technical analysis.

Yeah, yeah... Well, sort of like the transition of a quantum from one energy state to another...

This can be seen on tick charts - unrestrained trading at certain levels...

But the question from Dimitri is a good one. А? That's what a physicist means! Huh? Is the price scale linear? Yes, it is! It's linear! Only the equation of price movement is far from linear.

Nikolay Demko:

I will give you a hint, at certain levels the intensity of trades increases, i.e. the market as if gets into a gravity well and until all energy of this well is drained out the level will not disappear.

It is difficult to cross such a level and when it is crossed it follows the return, just like sliding along the walls of the gravity well but in projection on the plane.

Hence the strange drawings in the form of converging triangles discovered long ago in the technical analysis.

Here we go... the gravity wells have already begun.


Yes, yes... Well, sort of like the transition of a quantum from one energy state to another...

You can see it in the tick charts - unrestrained trading at certain levels...

But the question from Dimitri is a good one. А? That's what a physicist means! Huh? Is the price scale linear? Yes, it is! It's linear! Only the equation of price movement is far from linear.

Don't say it is linear, someone trades at 4, someone at 5. For the 4, the change of less than 10 pips does not exist, so he will not lift a finger until the chart reaches the level of х,хххх0

that's one

options are not put on round levels but the accumulation of options often forms these battles levels

that's two.

If I think about it I can think of something else.

Anyway, I'm off and now it's your turn to think.


the price is non-linear and so is the time, as Mandelbrot showed in the examples of the multiplicative cascade