From theory to practice - page 84


You thought it was that simple, it really is, but it isn't.


I think there is something there, but yes - you have to check and prove it, and I don't have time for that. If anyone is interested, I can send you an Excel file. But I think the meaning of this algorithm is clear.

It is clear that it is a bollinger. Well, send it to me. Let's see how you have implemented it in excel.

Thank you, Oleg, but I was asking specifically about standards. Tell me what I should do now with the phrase in this link of yours:

Random mechanisms can be different; more often one considers SS generated by summation of independent random variables or Markov chains. There is no precise , generally accepted definition of S. B.

End of quote.

And I was so naively hoping that the people who reported the SB standard meant something specific. That's a shame.

If it is more convenient for you, you are welcome:

Check out the "standard" branch below


Which is what I wrote in the posts below:

"It's a whole branch, it's a pain to find. Is there really a standard defining what "SB" is?"


Yes. There is no standard. There are variations.


и снова случайное блуждание...
и снова случайное блуждание...
  • 2017.05.26
вот файл....это генератор случайных графиков....причем они совершенно неотличимы от настоящих...
I am posting it for everyone. It's not Bollinger - it's usual combinatorics, "pipsing". I've just placed my favourite subject about stationarity and t2-distribution - it seems to be something. But don't ask for explanations - I really don't have time. I was working with the first column with OPEN price

In the beginning it was rare trades and hours and almost twenty-four hours, but ended up in pips.

Boring, girls. (с)


Thank you, Oleg, but I was asking specifically about standards. Tell me what I should do now with the phrase in this link of yours:

Random mechanisms can be different; more often one considers SS generated by summation of independent random variables or Markov chains. There is no precise , generally accepted definition of S. B.

End of quote.

And I had so naively hoped that the people who reported the SB standard had something specific in mind. Pity.


Oleg is right. He gave you a competent link about His Majesties STANDARDS:СЛУЧАЙНОЕ

  • И. М. Виноградов
СЛУЧАЙНОЕ БЛУЖДАНИЕ - специального вида случайный процесс, к-рый можно интерпретировать как модель, описывающую перемещение частицы в нек-ром фазовом пространстве под воздействием какого-либо случайного механизма. Фазовым пространством обычно бывает d-мерное евклидово пространство или целочисленная решетка в нем. Случайные механизмы могут быть...
Yuriy Asaulenko:

In the beginning it was rare trades and hours and almost twenty-four hours, but ended up in pips.

Boring, girls. (с)

:-) (just kidding)


it looks like virginity here... but not (...girls. (с))

Alexander_K and Oleg Automat! I was reacting to the quoted message . And what are you responding to?
Answered you on the previous page

No, Yuri, I'm not promoting pipsing yet - I just came across it by chance, there are all sorts of t2 distributions going on there :))). Let whoever is interested check it. I will return to this subject only in case my methodology, about which I have been babbling for a month, suddenly fails to justify itself.

I suppose it won't, because it doesn't fit my physical model of the market. Although, if my model proves to be unsuccessful, I won't be disappointed either.
Roman Shiredchenko:

:-) (just kidding)


it looks like virginity here... but not (...girls. (с))

That's a quote - O.Bender.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
That's a quote from O.Bender.
I see... :-) I'm about the trade.