Call multiple functions in a while? (MQL5)


Hello @ all...

I have a for while, 0-19 steps an i have 20 functions to call:

getDate_1(); .... to ........ getDate_20();

How can i call that with 1 Call() in that while?

// Daten
for(int sc=1; sc<21; sc++){

 // Signal

 test = "getDate_"+sc+"()";

how i do the call???


thanks for your help ;)

I'd change your getDate_X() functions into one function that takes an argument and does different things depending on it.

yes, thats the way i have done it :D

seems to be no other way in mql5 ;)


yes, thats the way i have done it :D

seems to be no other way in mql5 ;)

Yeah, having some function to call functions would be nice, but nevertheless, having 20 functions that are very similar isn't a good coding practice too.