Promo codes for products from the Marketplace - page 7

Vladimir Gribachev:

Bro, bread used to cost 1.5 hryvnias and milk 2 hryvnias per 2 litres.

I remember a sanatorium being built in the Crimea and the beach being beautified, 0.5 vodka cost 3 UAH, and the broads put it in the freezer and waited until I got there to buy it.

Life changes, priorities change....

By the way, where are all those people you were talking about?


Alive and well. I talk to them. Good people-- not many of them.

Vladimir Gribachev:

Everyone is different as they want, I am different as I want.

I won't look up to anyone else, I'm an individual.

The topic I want to start is a pain - a real pain and not for a year

and I don't know if it's gonna work or not.

and am I not at liberty to ask to manage what I create myself?

* I was not and will not be a herd.

ZS. Didn't my mum tell me when I was a kid: "Tema, if everyone jumps from the 9th floor, will you jump too?

That's what a person is, a personality, with an individual approach and a mind.

Whoever wants to do it, does it. Whoever doesn't want to - looks for reasons.

We're all not a herd. And each of us is an individual. It's not even worth talking about - it's a priori. And whoever keeps saying that he is not the same, then you start to wonder...

Vladimir Gribachev:

I think we've strayed too far from the subject.

I suggest peace, friendship and a Bavarian sausage with beer.

I'll be waiting to hear back from servicedesk.

It's okay, there's all kinds of topics. Good luck to you too!

Vladimir Zubov:

It's OK, there are different themes. And good luck to you too!

Thanks. Likewise.

Vladimir Gribachev:

You are talking about such little things without even realising it yourself.

A very rich man (God bless him and his family) pressured me so badly when I worked for him.

Kicked me for everything, even for being 5 minutes late to work and fined me 10% of my salary. Although there were never any customers at 8 a.m.

I learned a lot from him. I was in so much debt, I couldn't pay it back for the rest of my life.


The bar shifted in my head and I started thinking differently.)

One spot with 20 to 30 clients is a ceiling of, say, 500 cents.

10 outlets with 20-30 regular customers is a grid

and a grid is a prospect for the future.

and it's not 500 cfu per outlet, but 1000 or more

it works like a pyramid

You've sold 10 programmes for 100 each, that's it! Your ceiling is 1,000 kroner.

And in a network, this earnings can be unlimited.

The network is built by attracting customers.

Those in turn "like a radio" bring more customers, etc.

I'd rather lose 50%, but will make 100500% more sales than a dead weight will sit.

And when there is a referral - 50% is the minimum I will offer my partners

No no, YOU don't get it.

I don't mind at all selling 100 products each through the network. But I want to distribute my income myself.

I'm talking about taking credits away from the seller for the points spent by the user - it's not appropriate.

So let's wait for the referral program. And let's continue to build our own path...

Vladislav Andruschenko:
Do you want in addition to 20% of Market, 5-10% on conversions, 1-5% cashback + advertising, support site.....
And to charge the seller for points? Isn't that a bit much?
The price of the product is purely half. The rest is maintenance costs.
There were points, but they drifted away.
Nobody needs spam.

And selling products to "beginners" as you say is a no-no.

I'd rather have a trained person.
And beginners should be sent to a forum to learn the basics.

We need to cut costs, and then the price can go down. :)


Once saw here on the forum theme in which it was proposed to create a common site for all sellers and promote it jointly to attract more customers to the service market. But such a theme did not take root.

Vitalii Ananev:

You have to cut costs, then the price can be reduced. :)


Once saw here on the forum theme in which it was proposed to create a common site for all sellers and promote it jointly to attract more customers to the service market. But such a theme did not take root.

I will not describe all costs for 1 product :-)

But I can say that 50% of every sale is commission and product support.

Total product, created in 3-6 months, which is about 500 hours, at a cost of ...

Karochno, first creating a product, then it must be sold 10-20 times, to recoup the time spent on it.

And then you have to give 50% to support it.

Like everyone draws a golden mountain. Like "YOU ARE THE PROGRAMMER", thinking that the seller will collect all the profit. They do not take into account the fact that not only does the product need to be created, and then sold, and then supported.

Vladislav Andruschenko:

No no, YOU don't get it.

I don't mind at all selling 100 products through the network. But I want to distribute my income myself.

Maybe I misunderstood.

I was saying that it's inappropriate to take credits away from seller for points spent by user.

I have already lost this idea, I should have written it yesterday in more detail. :(

I missed the idea yesterday and should have written it in more detail :() Well, let's wait for the ref program. And let's continue to build our path...

I'm really looking forward to it myself.
Vladimir Zubov:
Dear Administration. Please introduce the possibility for merchants to generate individual and generic promo codes for purchase in the mart. This system to attract and stimulate sales works all over the world. Strange that it is still not available here. It will increase overall sales and overall profits.

Also by promo codes to provide rentals.

A very interesting idea, I've been thinking about it for a long time.