Where to start? - page 6

What exactly am I wrong about, can you formulate it meaningfully in human language? This will also be a test of your ability to formulate your TOR. :)
Secondly, do not worry about programmers, they are the same people, with its pluses and minuses, like all mortals, I propose the world, who is in favor? Raise your hand.
If you have a programmer's brain, you better not get involved in trading algorithms, it requires quite a different brain. Programmers are used to working according to other people's terms of reference. You are wrong in this respect.

А это уже хамство ха ха, вы ошибаетесь на счёт программистов, да в больших конторах есть

It's just that your posts don't give the impression of someone who has at least a little programming experience in the areas you've stated.

So, people began to suspect something wrong... There have been grapplers like this on more than one occasion who need a "royal path" in trading.

First of all, let's close the thread, it's flooding,

Noooo... We don't just close threads here... We'll discuss it and pass judgement...

And flooding, what's there to be afraid of? Flooding is good. It was bad in the days of the FIDO, when every byte of echoing was counted. And on the Internet every forum lives by flooding... So... Oh, open your shoulder, we're about to go on for ten pages...

George Merts:

It's just that your posts don't give the impression of someone who has at least a little programming experience in the areas you've stated.

So, people began to suspect something wrong... There have been grapplers like this here more than once, needing a "royal path" in trading.

As for the trading strategy, I don't really care what and who thinks about me, I've got answers to my question, and time and a real account will show what kind of programmer and analyst I am.
I do not care what and who thinks about me, I got the answers to my topic, and what kind of programmer and analyst I am, time and real account will show that's all the arithmetic.

Doooooooo.... You've got a lot of ambition, my friend, and that's good, of course...

Well, waiting to monitor your real account... In a week or so... or a month... or a year... or never... Let's see what kind of programmer and analyst you are...

And you are wrong about this.

Have you even tried to draw up a TOR in this field to make such self-righteous statements?

George Merts:

Noooo... We don't just close threads. We'll discuss it and pass judgment.

Flooding, what's there to be afraid of? Flooding is good. It was bad in FIDO days, when every byte of echoing was counted. But on the Internet every forum lives by flooding... So... Oh, open your shoulder, we're about to go on for ten pages...

It's please take out as many pages as you want, just how much walking on different sites since the beginning of training, and it has been a couple of weeks, this is the first forum where people normally respond to the question, so I would not want to quarrel with the natives in the beginning, and even ate inadvertently, there will be no place to consult

Meanwhile, TC's rating is already close to 100. Five years ago he would have been given a dollar!

George Merts:

Doooooooo.... You've got a lot of ambition, my friend, that's certainly a good thing...

Well, waiting to monitor your real account... In a week or so... or a month... or a year... or never... Let's see what kind of programmer and analyst you are...

Do you post your monitoring here or are you kidding?

Мне понравился ваш ответ, спасибо, значит на данном этапе времени, человеческие мозги работают лучше чем компьютерные? Нет переезжать к бирже у меня пока нет особого желания, кто где родился там и пригодился, как то так для меня я думаю больше подходит. А тогда вот такой вопрос, с индикаторами и стратегиями, все же нужно разбираться или работает только личный опыт? Все равно ведь должен быть хоть какой то анализ для входа в трейдинг? (не уверен что в конце правильно применил сленг)...


1. 95% of traders trade by hand, drawing on personal experience and using fundamental and technical analysis, develop their strategy and work on it.

2. 5% of traders use high speed scalping and use expensive fast hardware and advanced technologies.

3. some advanced traders team up with programmers and develop their own additional trading environments/systems.

Is this the way or what else can be added to the overall trading scheme?

You got me a little wrong, and you didn't understand what high-frequency trading is either...

What I meant was that 95% of robots don't need fiddling with such speeds.

You might need a VPN somewhere in Australia for scalping. But that too is more of an exception. and scalping is far from high frequency.

...expensive fast hardware and advanced technology....

i3 is enough for 1 robust trading robot, if you use your head and not the other way around. i3 is a very simple indicator that i7 can't handle it.

The cube should not be used as an incubator, it has no effect on the market. You may try to trade by intuition, then drain the deposit. Try to trade by any well-known strategy you like - drain the deposit, try another one, and then drain it too))) If you don't know what's going on in your trading strategy, you'll get a feedback from the market.