Videos for the marketplace - page 4

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Ah, I see, nothing to occupy the mind )) I thought we were talking about YouTube or other hosts.

I got sick of these codecs at my last job, it was a suffocating experience, but to each his own. Knew a man who wrote an audio lossless codec with better than world compression, he said.

He never sold it or patented it, saving his secrets.

MQ will not do it 100%, the video must play for everyone and on all devices

Well, it's an alternative, and it will be able to play on those devices on which purchases are made - at least in the terminal.

And for youtube, try recording a video - I wonder if there's an effect.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

It will be good for the forum and the marketplace, but there will still be a need for youtube. After all, it is an advertising platform with a huge audience.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

It is by no means an advertising platform. Every view there you have to personally catch up with your advertising.

There are no organic views there, unless you're talking about kitty videos and gags.

YouTube is a free traffic distribution platform. And all the promotion is entirely on you personally.

By the way, we have our own CDN network of 15 locations around the world.

So videos downloaded from us will be available from these locations at a good speed.

Renat Fatkhullin:

By the way, we have our own CDN network of 15 locations around the world.

So videos uploaded from us will be available from these points at a good speed.

So it would be possible to upload a video file of several Gb to the website?

Do you have so many free resources for storage, or am I misunderstanding something?

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Well, it's an alternative, and it will be able to play on those devices where purchases are made - at least in the terminal.

And for YouTube, try recording a video - I wonder if there is an effect.

Not at all. A man rides the underground with a tablet or smartphone, or sits in a cafe. They go to, but video is not shown, because the codec is not standard.

Do you think that a mobile processor or gadget manufacturer will port a vector codec to its hardware? No way, because it's not widespread on a global scale.

I was just in the process of porting it; it's a very long process. For example we've been porting wma codec to a mobile chip by a team of 4 people for about a year. That's how it's done,

Microsoft (wma's developer) supplies it in the form of unoptimized code, all calculations in double. And the procesor for cheapness has no FPU, so you think, how to work if the CPU can multiply maximum 32*16 ))

The problem will be solved when the test records on you and on the Intel process will match within -1 bit. That is, an error of 1 bit is allowed.

The process goes like this: first we start everything with FPU emulator, get the required 60GHz))) And a tedious process of translation and optimization begins.

Now of course it's easier but it's still a non-trivial task.

How many of these processors with different command systems are there? Lots of them.

Renat Fatkhullin:

Unfortunately, that's not the case.

It's not an advertising platform at all. Every view there you have to personally catch up with your advertising.

There are no organic views there, unless you're talking about kitty videos and gags.

YouTube is a free traffic distribution platform. And all the promotion is entirely on you personally.

Yes, I am aware of that. But you also have to do advertising on the side or at most in the feed, which I, for example, don't read.


There has long been a good idea to make it possible to run something like webinars. That would be really useful. Both for training, promotion and advice.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Here are two files, both compressed by Lagarith Lossless Codec withCamStudio 2.7.4 screen capturesize 1280x720 20fps

The first version is in colour (37.5 MB) - the original is quite passable - here's a screenshot of the PC video

However, on youtube it looks sad:

What's sad about it? It looks fine. Here 20 frames is sad, 30 is much better perceived.

YouTube is quite good and doesn't spoil the picture too much.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

That's not a fact at all. A person goes to the metro with a tablet or smartphone, or sits in a cafe. He goes to, but the video is not shown, because the codec is not standard.

Do you think that a mobile processor or gadget manufacturer will port a vector codec to its hardware? No way, because it's not widespread on a global scale.

I was just in the process of porting it; it's a very long process. For example we've been porting wma codec to a mobile chip by a team of 4 people for about a year. That's how it's done,

Microsoft (wma's developer) supplies it in the form of unoptimized code, all calculations in double. And the procesor for cheapness has no FPU, so you think, how to work if the CPU can multiply maximum 32*16 ))

The fidelity will be when test records on you and on the Intel CPU will match within -1 bit. That is, an error of 1 bit is allowed.

The process goes like this: first we start everything with FPU emulator, get the required 60GHz))) And a tedious process of translation and optimization begins.

Now of course it's easier but it's still a non-trivial task.

How many of these processors with different command systems are there? Lots of them.

This is all very serious - I don't think that processor developers are going to implement necessary instructions into cores... however, I don't think it will be very fast, but as soon as the advantage is obvious, it will become in demand not only in a highly specialized environment - for example, flash banners were displacing hyphae...

However, I'm not sure that someone buys a product sitting in a cafe, and looking at pictures from a smartphone - well, not the morons ...

In general, I think that the future belongs to vector computer video graphics, the question of time is secondary.

And, I can't remember if anyone has already done something like that for their product.


What's so sad about it? It looks fine. 20 frames is sad, 30 is much better.

YouTube compresses quite well and almost doesn't spoil the picture

Have you looked at both images in their original 1280*720 sizes ? I personally see a horrible result, at least compare the geometry of the candles, and for example the B&W version. YouTube cuts by bitrate, the more frames you have to compress - on the contrary, I'm thinking of reducing frames to improve quality.