Videos for the marketplace - page 2

George Merts:


It's been said more than once here.

I once tried to sell indicators myself - naked number.

I'll keep that in mind.

I just don't understand, if you were selling, how did you manage to remove the indicator from the showcase?

George Merts:

Well, whatever you use, use it. The result will be the same.

I want it to be beautiful - I want to know for sure that I did everything I could.

I'm not happy with the result, very blurred video when scrolling quickly - I think I need to adjust the codecs.

Well, if there is no desire to share experience with local people, I'll have to start experimenting in this area myself.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I will take note of that.

I just don't understand, if you were selling, how did you manage to remove the indicator from the display case?

That was a long time ago, there was no showcase then.

I want it to be beautiful - so I know for sure I did everything I could.

I'm not satisfied with the result, very blurred video when scrolling quickly - I think I need to adjust the codecs.

Well, if there's no desire to share experience with local people, then I guess I'll have to start experimenting in this field myself.

You just need to ask not here.

If you want beautiful video, you should go to forum of video amateurs (those same Pinaklova). They will tell you how to make a beautiful video.

And here - they will tell you what you need to sell EAs - surely, a beautiful Equity line on the real is enough.

George Merts:


It's been said more than once here.

I once tried to sell indicators myself.

So, whatever you use, use it. The result will be the same.

However, if you want to "sell to suckers", take Adobe Premiere or Pinakle Studio...

Hire popular artists... so they can say with a serious look: "You still manage money by hand? it's the last century !!! Leave it to my super-duper advisors. They have a very simple setup - there are only two buttons - small "Chop Dough" and large "Chop a lot of Dough". I bought this Expert Advisor, and now I am resting in Hawaii and it works for me!

Of course, the scenery... Naked chicks... Palm trees... Pretend it's heaven on earth.

To sell slivators to suckers, you definitely need some vivid imagery.

No. Women have to be clothed. But the only clothes they should be wearing are sunglasses.

George Merts:

It's just not the place to ask.

If you want a beautiful video, you should go to the amateur video forum (the same Pinaklodovs). There they will tell you how to make a beautiful video.

And here - they will tell you what it takes to sell EAs - unambiguously, a nice Equity line on the real is enough.

I don't think people here are that limited and all their knowledge ends up with the market only. And video in the form of graphics, it is a feature that is not explored when converting home video and art video, so I think here is the right place for a discussion.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:


I just don't understand, if you were selling, how did you manage to remove the indicator from the showcase?


On the product page there is an "Edit" link, on the "Moderator comments" tab you can write to have the product removed.

The product will disappear from the storefront, but those who have already purchased it will be available for download until the activations expire.

In Market -> My products in the list of all your products the deleted product will remain, but the name will be crossed out.

Sergey Basov:

The product page has an "Edit" link, under the "Moderator comments" tab you can write to have the product removed.

The product will disappear from the storefront, but those who have already purchased it will be available for download until the activations run out.

In Market -> My Products in the list of all your products remote will remain, but the name will be crossed out.

Thank you! I was under the delusion that I was obliged to maintain the product my whole life...

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Well, if you don't want to share your experience with the people here, you'll probably have to start experimenting in this area yourself.

There have already been several discussions, search for it.

Andrey Khatimlianskii:

There have already been a few discussions, search for it.

Yes, there is some data, thanks

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

Beta-testing of video functions

Andrey Khatimlianskii, 2008.01.31 10:27

So, the results of the research.
Three programmes and two codecs in all possible combinations were used.

- CamStudio 2.5(official site)(download) - free;
- SnagIT 8.2.3 -( official site) - $39.95;
- Camtasia Studio 4( official site) - $299.00.

- CamStudio Codec(download) - free;
- TechSmith Screen Capture Codec( download) - free, but it does not work without Camtasia Studio installed ;)

General observations:
- TechSmith codec compresses much better (about 2 times better);
- the better the more expensive programs ;) More convenient, prettier, and more functional.

Of the video preparation software under consideration, you can use:
- SnagIT 8.2.3 with CamStudio Codec (the cheapest option);
- SnagIT 8.2.3 with TechSmith Screen Capture Codec (recall that for normal operation of the codec you need to install Camtasia Studio);
- and Camtasia Studio 4 with TechSmith Screen Capture Codec.

Here is an article

Как легко и просто опубликовать видео на
Как легко и просто опубликовать видео на
  • 2008.03.31
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Показать обычно легче, чем рассказать. Предлагается простой и бесплатный способ создания видеороликов с помощью CamStudio для публикации на форумах
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I propose to discuss the topic of creating videos for the marketplace.

Do you need videos to successfully sell a product or are they overkill and a waste of time?

What about sound - silence, music or commentary?

What resolution should be the file (in fact, will be used) for comfortable viewing?

What codec is better to compress graphics (this is probably the most important part) - for uploading to YouTube? What special settings should be used for high quality graphics, especially if the picture is taken in the renderer?

What colour scheme is preferable to use?

What program is more convenient to remove the information from the screen, especially if it is able to work with a specific window and has a zoom function (when it seems that part of the screen is enlarged)?

Camtasia, zip to MP4.

Or do broadcasts of the trade on the same youtube


Here are two files, both compressed by Lagarith Lossless Codec withCamStudio 2.7.4 screen capturesize 1280x720 20fps

The first version is in colour (37.5 MB) - the original is quite passable - here's a screenshot of the PC video

However, on youtube it looks sad:

The B&W version (3.9MB) ytube has re-converted more acceptably:

And what can we conclude - YouTube is not suitable for colour graphics, and everything should be posted in BW?