Opening, closing in Expert Advisor generated by MQL5 Wizard - page 7



Also, Vladimir, could you advise on the scheme - what is this block of market patterns (selecting the strongest signal) and in what form is it in the MQL Wizard?


As far as I understood it, there is no selection of the strongest signal among the models of one module.



And then how to remove the arrow lines from the chart obtained as a result of your file?

Close the STRATEGY TESTER and all icons, lines will disappear :)


OK, but if there are two modules, then what selects the signal (and the example of calculating a signal from two modules, which is in the help, does not mention this)?


When there is more than one module (described in the articleMQL5 Wizard: New Version) all signals are resultant and the final forecast (direction and strength) is obtained



If I ran the file directly on the chart and not in the tester, how can I remove it?

Remove: Right click on the graph and select "List of objects". In the opened window press "All" button, then you have to select everything: "Ctrl" + "C" and delete: "Delete" button. To avoid creating these objects in the future, use an Expert Advisor based on the standard module "SignalMA.mqh".

Yes, it's retractable as an object. I'll deal with the pattern information I've received.

Well then, what's on the diagram at the very top (where signal 100 is selected) - I can't figure out where it might be in the Wizard, what do you think?

I don't understand. Insert a picture showing the correct area.

In the diagram the top part - where it says selection of a stronger signal (100) and market patterns. This is selected by what and even without scales?

I don't understand, paste the picture already.


You have inserted a whole drawing. I'm waiting for you to circle the right section - otherwise it's not clear what you're asking again.


I have corrected it - look there just below my line above the picture.

Edit the picture: circle the area of interest, then formulate your question.


I have edited the post above - take a look.

I already replied on the last page:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

Opening and Closing in Expert Advisor Generated by MQL5 Wizard

Vladimir Karputov, 2017.09.29 12:54

As far as I understand, there is no selection of the strongest signal among the models of one module.



And another question - why is the m_base_price value assigned in the MA signal module when all patterns (1-3) are selected, but not when pattern 0 is selected?

Let's see ...


And another question - why when selecting all patterns (1-3) in the MA signal module m_base_price is assigned, but not when selecting pattern 0?

I got it this way: the CExpert class contains an object -m_signal

//| Class CExpert.                                                   |
//| Purpose: Base class expert advisor.                              |
//| Derives from class CExpertBase.                                  |
class CExpert : public CExpertBase
   //--- trading objects
   CExpertSignal    *m_signal;                   // trading signals object

- which is a parent object of CExpertSignal class. The trading signals module (let SignalMA.mqh in this case) is inherited and its descendant is CExpertSignal.

The Trading Signals module, when the pattern 2 is triggered, its descendant writes some price into them_base_price variable (it is not even important which one). But here, the CExpertSignal class does not access them_base_price variable of our signals module - when a position is opened, the CExpertSignal class refers to them_base_price variable of them_signal object - the parent object of the CExpertSignal class.

It turns out that it makes no sense to write any value intothem_base_pricevariable in the Trading Signals module.

There, when m_base_price=0, it takes the Ask or Bid price, depending on the Buy/Sell condition, except for pattern 2 (it takes the MA price as a pending order), but why is it all and why isn't it used at all for 0 pattern?

Yes, BUT: m_base_price variable looks for parent object, not for signal module.