What is the minimum acceptable deposit for trading on the stock exchange? - page 8

Alexey Viktorov:

Why? My understanding is that robot trading is effective in short-term trading when you need to react quickly, on many instruments at the same time you need to react... And options, as I understand it, are a long term investment. Or am I wrong?

Not right at all, you probably have too little trading experience.

The fact is that almost no one trades on the exchange as on FOREX (by indicators).

They trade with TS, which include 2 or more instruments (pairs, triads and portfolios).

In order to build a correct portfolio, one should not only monitor tumblers, but

and make secondary trades from the portfolio (pairs) as fast as possible, so you can't do without

robot to do without.


Here are the options strategies, read



Not right at all, you probably have too little trading experience.

The fact is that almost no one trades on the exchange as on FOREX (by indicators).

They trade with TS, which include 2 or more instruments (pairs, triads and portfolios).

In order to build a correct portfolio, one should not only monitor tumblers, but

and make secondary trades from the portfolio (pairs) as fast as possible, so you can't do without

robot to do without.


Here are the options strategies, read


Well no... I disagree. I have much less than zero experience... :))))

Thanks for the link. All that remains is to muster up the courage to learn the quickie after all...


I don't know what the minimum deposit for trading is. Maybe $100.
But I do know that you can't feed your family from 5 acres of land. It has to be at least 50 acres.
As for forex trading. At $100, it's like you were on a demo

Alexey Viktorov:

What about withdrawals? Can I withdraw 50k after entering 100k in a week or two? What are the limitations?

I am a self-taught beginner. Can I use the same money, NOT ONE DEPOSIT, on different accounts, platforms? This is of course nonsense, but clarification would be nice to hear.

Why do I need these courses? They are designed to extort money from simpletons. This is how I got acquainted with Forex, my girlfriend attended a $200 course but she did not learn anything.

In general, I am self-taught.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What do I need these courses for, they are for squeezing money out of simpletons. This is how I got to know forex, a friend of mine took a $200 course and she never learned anything.

And I'm self-taught.

Something happened to my eyes... It's the second time.

At first it was fine. I see a girl, I feel confident about the future. Then something happened to my eyes, I look and I look and I don't feel anything...

And now again... I look, I look, I read, I read and I don't see where I wrote about the course? :)))

Alexey Viktorov:

Something happened to my eyes... It's the second time.

At first it was fine. I see a girl, I feel confident about the future. Then something happened to my eyes, I look and I look and I don't feel anything...

And now again... I look, I look, I read, I read, I don't see where I wrote about courses? :)))

I was replying to someone else.

ingensi2017.08.23 22:16 EN
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Lesha, you live in St Petersburg. There are probably face-to-face courses. You will learn about deposit and clearing. As long as it is not about clearing.

I wanted to do it myself a couple of years ago... but an amphibian choked me to enter a million.

Here, you can only learn the wisdom of the stock market by correspondence. If you want a full-time course, it's bulldozer or OK inspector.