What is a tester's Grail? - page 21

Alexey Volchanskiy:
At the same time, I know at least two people with paranoia who are sure that not only in forex, but in moex as well, that they have their fingers in the wheel and that 'the exchange is watching him'.

Once again, you are drawing the wrong conclusions...

If a trader is aware of a POSSIBLE setup, they are already armed and will be able to get around the trap...

It's not that "the exchange is watching him", but just due to new circumstances, determine a more reliable way of trading, rather than that, which by hook or by crook is pushed to you by DC's advertising ...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I have a scalper robot, no one is pushing it, why? The robot writes logs with all data, I write quotes from all my working brokerage companies and also from the peal accounts of other brokerage companies where I don't trade. The program in Matlab compares quotes once a week and gives a signal if there is a strong discrepancy.

I do not have problems, I have unsolved problems). At the same time I know at least two people who are paranoid and convinced that not only in forex, but also in moex they have fingers in the wheels and that "the exchange is watching him".

They are trading on the demo and the Exchange is already watching them... this is the conclusion they have drawn because they are constantly losing demo money).


They trade on the demo and the Exchange is already watching them...that's the conclusion noi made as they are constantly losing demo money)

It's all psychology's fault.) It's always easier for a man to blame anyone else for his failures, just not himself.)

They trade on the demo and the Exchange is already watching them... that's the conclusion they drew since they keep losing demo money)

i had a real case where DT gave a delay in price entry, first 15 minutes and then the delay grew gradually to 1.5 hours. it was interesting to observe your order hangs in the air as if in the future. the real money is real, you see the time to sell, sell and the order opens at current quotes (not the ones you see on the chart) in the future in an empty space that has no quotes.

my respect.

P.S. these are the quotes on the real account chart. so check not only the quotes, but also the server time compared to the local time, and if there is a discrepancy, stop trading until the time is equal.
Andrey Kisselyov:
i had a real case where a brokerage house provided quotes with a delay first 15 minutes and then the delay increased gradually to 1.5 hours. it was interesting to watch your order hang in the air as if it was in the future. i had a real money account, you see the time to sell and open an order at current prices in the future.

I would like to thank you for your kindness.

P.S. these are the quotes on the real account chart. so check not only the quotes, but also the server time compared to the local time, and if there are discrepancies, then stop trading until the time is equal.

I need a broker with time minus an hour)) i would be quick)) i would buy the planet

Andrey Kisselyov:
i had a real case where a brokerage house provided quotes with a delay first 15 minutes and then the delay increased gradually to 1.5 hours. it was interesting to observe your orders hanging in the air as if in the future. the real money is real, you see the time to sell and the order opens at current quotes (not what you see on the chart) in the future in the empty space with no quotes.

my respect.

P.S. these are the quotes on the real account chart. so check not only the quotes, but also the server time compared to the local time, and if there is a discrepancy, stop trading until the time is equal.

some haloperidol and an antidepressant all right))) all MI6 agents disappear


I need a broker with time minus an hour)) I would buy a planet quickly))

you don't understand, orders were executed on real quotes, but the chart was fed with the history of the quote you see on the chart a bar that played out at least 15 minutes ago, and for you on the chart it is real and just formed. you send a request and your order opens in the future on the chart (execution is in real time) which is real for your computer and you. you kind of look into the past and try to work on it in the present thinking it is real.



some haloperidol and an antidepressant all right))) all MI6 agents disappear

I do not really care about what you say about mania pills and agents as well. i just gave an example in the work of one dc, and a real example.

With respect.
George Merts:

What's wrong with that?

It amuses me when people shout about "kitchens" without realising that "these acorns grow on them", like the Ungrateful Pig.

If it weren't for those very "kitchens" - your miserable micro-deposits - no one would need them.

And about "opportunities to play with quotes" - in theory it exists, but in practice it makes less sense, the bigger and more solid the brokerage company is.

I think there is no sense to chase micro deposits with "suddenly appearing and then disappearing studs" - most traders will sell their deposits without these tricks.

What brokerage company are you from?

Andrey Kisselyov:
you don't understand, orders were executed on real quotes, but on the chart you see on the chart a bar that played out at least 15 minutes ago, while for you on the chart it is real and is just forming. you send a request and the order opens in the future on the chart(execution is real time) which is real for your computer and you. you kind of look into the past and try to work on it in the present, thinking it is real.


In danger of accusing me of unhealthy enthusiasm for the world conspiracy as well,
I believe that the success of arbitrage robots is nothing more than using the differences in quotes
that plug-ins provide at different brokers