OOP vs procedural programming - page 17

Реter Konow:

It's been a few months since the last chorus, plenty of time to get the hang of it.

But you are still ramming like a sheep about efficiency, demanding that we prove your claims wrong, rather than proving your assertions.

I will repeat what I told you last time.

If you want to write without OOP - write it, but don't push your silly heresy here on the forum saying that the procedural (not functional! but ancient procedural) programming style rules

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Are there any zones in St. Petersburg?

Yes, I live outside the city, well it's an hour to the centre if there's no traffic during the day. At night it's a breeze, 30 minutes to Moskovsky Station.

The area's a fife, a stroganoff, according to the guys' reviews it's quite normal.

I have not been to the owner, I can not judge, although there were options to get a full flight )). God was a keeper.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yours and the SS

The real codes are in the past, but now it's just fun. And it's written in 2008-2009, since then everything seems to be there... ...so I'm just adding to it.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Look, you already failed to solve my problem yesterday.

You didn't set any specific objective. Just words about 100 types of trails. If there was a task, I would have done it right away.
Реter Konow:
You haven't set any specific task. All you say is about 100 types of trailing stop. If there was a task, I would have started it at once.

That's specific enough. And even I myself gave an example of how this problem would be solved procedurally and using OOP, and, you know, to a sane person the advantages of OOP are obvious for this problem. And you are acting shamelessly and impudently - disputing the obvious.


It's been a few months since the last chorus, plenty of time to get the hang of it.

But you are still ramming like a sheep about efficiency, demanding that we prove your claims wrong, rather than proving your assertions.

I will repeat what I told you last time.

If you want to write without OOP - write it, but don't push your silly heresy here on the forum saying that the procedural (not functional! but ancient procedural) programming style rules

I'm not asking anything from you personally. Calm down and do not speak for everyone. Please.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Specific enough.

Please give the full condition of the problem here.

He doesn't understand at all. His experience compared to modern development is like poking around in a sandbox compared to a construction firm.

Any promising technology is now fantastically fast in terms of frameworks and libraries, without any ESPD.

The speed of development over the past 20 years has probably increased by orders of magnitude, not several times over.

I see you are a specialist and like a true expert consider it beneath your dignity to read the text you're discussing.

20% - coding from 1500 persons/years is 300 persons/years. Programming productivity has increased dramatically today. That's just to those 300 people/years.

Algorithmization aside.

And the rest related to programming?

Has the productivity of reading a task increased too? Has the productivity of writing a test case gone up as well? And the productivity of writing user manuals for a software product increased too? And the time required for trial operation has been reduced?

Shall we continue?

And the squabbles within the team due to different authors' inconsistencies?

And the expulsion of all sorts of geniuses who write code that no one understands?

Have you even sat next to serious developers?

СанСаныч Фоменко:


Have you even sat next to serious developments?

Have you?
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yes, I live outside the city, well it's an hour to the centre if there's no traffic during the day. At night it's a breeze, 30 minutes to Moskovsky Station.

The area's a fife, a stroganoff, according to the guys' reviews it's quite normal.

I have not been to the owner, I can not judge, although there were options to get a full flight )). God has kept.

In general, there are things you do not want to remember. As a rule, it is connected with the fact that I have somehow playfully offended women. I never had such problems with men from St. Petersburg, for some reason, they would offer me a TT gun just in case, and then stand at the front door on their gold minibars))) In the 90s they used to haul a lot of tattered BMW7s from Germany for a few kopecks. I used to drive a 3L, too, until it died ))