When trading forex, what online game do you play? Does the game help or distract you? Pros and cons. - page 2

George Merts:

And me, the fool, I read before going to bed in the old way...

I read and watch videos for about half an hour on the market and world novelties, but it's just as difficult.

The game completely shifts from reality to virtuality, so everything negative that was gathered during the day goes nowhere after the game.

I have a cottage 7 minutes walk from home, there are family recreation in the evenings at the grill 3-4 times a week, but after dacha still play before bedtime. I sold my main business, so there's plenty of time.


Network multiplays are mostly geared towards "keep it up longer", in local multiplays it's easier to find something to fit into the schedule. For me personally the most optimal dose of "forget work" per unit time spent ftyka Unreal Tournament 2004

Ihor Herasko:

When you carry a load in your hand and your arm gets tired, it is not enough to change your arm, you have to stop and put the load on. It is the same here: it is not enough to switch to another application for a proper rest; it is necessary to move away from computer, use other muscles (legs for example).

Although, of course, it is very strange to see adult children here ))

If the load is in the brain, it does not help to load the legs - the head does not care about it. But if you overload your arms/feet, the work process is finished - then yes, you can walk, sleep or work


Long time ago I played Lineage II - I liked the open world and a real economy, with its pricing laws and the market where you really had to sit and trade (though then it turned out that you can use bots - almost algotrading:) ). So was interesting to craft items - when I ran and mined my own resources. Then gave up for a year and it turned out that the main character was lost Vaip - played SHE (healer), and do not play anymore. Looked at other games, but they are all wrong - a lot of colours and niceties - no atmosphere.
Now I can play offline games - for example, recently stumbled upon Doom1 and 2 online (is optimized for vindu) - passed - I'm torturing the third sometimes, but without fanaticism.
Relax racing - Formula 1 2014 - teaches me to control my emotions.
Of course, I like strategy, but the good ones are rare (StarCraft 2, WarCraft 3 - I play online, Total War: Rome, Total War: Rome II, XCOM(X-COM)) - interesting Tropico 3 and 5 (but to a lesser extent - very difficult to pass from the first time because of not knowing the features of the game), Anno 1404 - well, this is a relatively not old and relevant.

It's a shame that good quests are rare these days.

The downside of games is that they dull the instinct for self-preservation and encourage excessive risk-taking.

Alexander Puzanov:

If the weight is in your brain, it won't help to load your legs - your head doesn't care about it. But if you overload your arms/feet, the work process is finished - then yes, walk, sleep, but not work

It seems that they have not tried to change the type of activity)) Walking is just the most effective way to solve the problem of mental fatigue. Walks are also a great way to get a good night's sleep. Without a walk, it is very difficult to fall asleep (if you overworked your head before), and even if you do fall asleep, the sleep will not be sound, which is even more exhausting. I don't understand about physical overload. What does it have to do with it?

In general, physicians say that any man needs to take 8-10 thousand steps a day. This is practically a guarantee of health of a physical body. In other words, it is enough to walk about 8 km a day.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I've been playing Point Blank for a couple of hours before bedtime for six years. Makes me feel better after a day's work

Great game. One of the most accurate real-world combat simulations. I read somewhere that along with games like Counter Strike is recommended to paratroopers in the US, to understand combat. Haven't played it in a while. Almost a hedgehog.

Generally, browser-based simulators with live opponents can be tried everything.

Resource strategy where you can build, upgrade, etc. is basically no different than chess.

There are games with stupid character pumping. Time and health loss.



One of the most accurate real-world combat simulators....... along with games like Counter Strike recommended to paratroopers in the US for understanding combat.....

..oh...they're learning on the stiulator... yahahahahaha))))

Alexander Ivanov:

...oh...they're learning on the stiulator... yahahahahaha))))

I know it's ridiculous. It's like, you come in, you go to the comp room, you level up to 100... level and that's it, paratrooper.

But there are games where everything is balanced to the max and aligned in time and opportunities, the contours of objects, movement, weapons. It's a simulator, not real training and learning.

Once upon a time, US diplomacy expert Henry Kissinger said: "US soldiers are invincible in combat, ...they've been playing Call Of Duty MW since they were kids....
Ihor Herasko:

Walking is the most effective way to solve the problem of mental fatigue. Walking is also a great way to get a good night's sleep.

In the process of work, the brain gets soaked, it needs a restart. I don't know about you, but when I go for walks or physical exercise, my brain doesn't shut down, it keeps thinking to itself. And more often than not, it's thinking about the same problems that I need a distraction from. And a good quality shooter, where you don't have to think at all, will wrestle away 100% of your attention - it's a reboot. 20 minutes in the middle of the work process instead of a break. And the problem of how to occupy time before going to bed is not very relevant to me
George Merts:

Topics like "forex and picking your nose" begin. Does it help you or distract you? Pros and cons.

Let me disagree with you - the topic is exactly (in my opinion) one of the most adequate and relevant poll topics in recent times.

If Forex is not just a hobby/entertainment, but a serious mental activity with accompanying stress and psycho/emotional/intellectual loads, computer games can be useful as a "brain freshener". Now I do not remember exactly which firm it was, but once in the early days of computer boom, a respectable company with a large staff of office workers with computerized workstations hired outside experts (solid professionals) to help solve the sysadmin problem - how to effectively limit the ability of employees to play computer games at work. While researching the problem, the experts found an interesting pattern - employees playing computer games had tens of times more effective output per day than those not playing games.

George Merts:

And I, the fool, the old-fashioned way of reading before going to bed...

But I can`t change myself under current circumstances - for me a book necessarily implies a "hard copy" of information. Electronically I accept only technical information, news, and the soul perceives works of art only when my hands feel the paper texture... And here comes a bunch of contradictions, ranging from "where to find", "for what to buy", ending with the questions "where to store" or "where to dispose of"? Our family had a decent library for those days - about 4,500 books (mostly complete collections of works). I remember how much space they took up, and in modern flats it would have been problematic to store so many books...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Better to walk before going to bed.

Walking is a useful activity for health and general fitness, but for me personally it's like this - my legs are walking and my head is thinking...