How much do you need to live on? - page 7

Stanislav Aksenov:

A rather rich person once wrote that you people overestimate the importance of a lot of money for happiness. Not one person has ever said something like "When my income went from $2,000 to $10,000 I was much happier". Not one.

Of course, it is difficult to be happy and peaceful, when your income does not allow to provide for basic needs (for example, less than $200), and in that case, you really should make every effort to live decently, on average I think it is about 1500 - 3000 dollars. You will have everything to feel happy, and the amount higher than that will not affect your happiness.

A million dollars in your account means nothing in this modern world.

Maslow's pyramid is called. I have an acquaintance, a former client, who is a dollar multimillionaire. Dreams of making it to a billion. I asked him once, why do you want to do it? He said I wanted to help people.


750,000 rubles

Alexey Volchanskiy:

It's called the Maslow Pyramid. I have a friend, a former client, a dollar multimillionaire. Dreams of making it to a billion. I asked him once: "Why do you want to do it? He said I wanted to help people.

Show me my place, I'll help him become a billionaire :)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The Maslow Pyramid is called. I have an acquaintance, a former client, who is a multimillionaire dollaraire. Dreams of making it to a billion. I asked him once, "What do you want it for? He said I wanted to help people.

Good afternoon.
from what it says here in the pyramid, you don't need money to be at the top.


P.S. But as for "helping people", I will put it this way, teach people to work and they will earn themselves as much as they need, they do not need that much money for that. It turned out that he was not interested in old ladies and their well-being, but in the money they receive as pensions (the most vulnerable part of the population). so if someone tells you that they want to do "good", do not be too quick to add them to the list of benefactors.