and wandering around randomly again... - page 38

Dmitry Fedoseev:

The point has already been answered. But that's not the point.

You couldn't have "made the point" already, because I ONLY asked the question... (at least have the decency to behave)

You couldn't have answered the question "to the point" already, because I ONLY asked it... (at least have the decency to behave)

Are you an idiot or just a troll? Read your post(which I quoted in my response), what you're writing there and shove your poundbucks where you know it. No mind or memory and your attention wanders.

Kent! If you have a really working system and you know all its vulnerabilities, etc., then why should anyone have to prove anything here. You've earned it and that's the main thing, and everyone around you can drool over it...


Kent! If you have a really working system and you know all its vulnerabilities, etc., then why should anyone have to prove anything here. You've earned it and that's the main thing, and everyone around you can drool over it...

This is a hype, worth a lot by the way)))

Kent! If you have a really working system and you know all its vulnerabilities, etc., then why should anyone have to prove anything here. You've earned it and that's the main thing, and everyone around you can drool over it...

2 x 2 won't make it 5, as this prick is trying to prove here.

Kent! If you have a really working system and you know all its vulnerabilities, etc., then why should anyone have to prove anything here. You've earned it and that's the main thing, and everyone around you can drool over it...

I'm trying to open their eyes... and they're just snapping at me.

If Martin's a 100% bust, I'm 100% guaranteed to make a profit by trading against him. You should at least listen to what you're saying...


Go ahead...

I am selling the poundbucks with a deposit capable of resisting a 500p upward price MOTION in 4 figures.

Question: would you,...personally, undertake to PROVE that the price will move up to my "red line" with a probability of HUNDRED PROFITS ?...

At infinity. For the eagle, yes. It means that the chances of going up 500p in an hour are the same as the chances of going 500p in a day, the same as the chances of going 500p on a temporary arrival on anunnah land.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Reminded me of the elephant riddle - what is the probability of going outside and seeing an elephant? Turns out 50% - either you see it or you don't. You have all your musings in that style.

50% you won't see.... It's not a coin, where both are equally likely.

I thought probability was the percentage of a positive outcome of an event from a decent sample of repetitions of an action.

Suppose there's never been an elephant in the street.

Look out there 1,000 times...


Therefore, based on exactly the same logic, the GCF is not applicable in forex.

Firstly you need at least a side-by-side hit on a price value at a particular point in time. The probability of such an event is close to zero.

I think the topic is about nothing.

Я продаю фунтобакс, обладая депозитом, способным сопротивляться ДВИЖЕНИЮ цены вверх на 500 п. в 4-х знаке.

Вопрос: Вы,.. вот лично Вы, возьмётесь УТВЕРЖДАТЬ, что цена поднимется до моей "красной линии" с вероятностью СТО ПРОЦЕНТОВ ?.. 


On infinity. For orlanka, yes. It means that the chances of going up 500 p. in an hour are the same as the chances of going 500 p. in a day, the same as the chances of going 500 p. on a temporary arrival on anunnah land.

I'm not working on infinity... and I'm not on the eagle. I'm working on the poundbucks.

Orlyanka with infinity has nothing to do with my question

prikolnyjkent: Eagle and infinity have nothing to do with my question
Strange that by page 38 no one understood that eagle and coin had nothing to do with it. )))