and wandering around randomly again... - page 6


Exactly. everything is random, but how to understand where we are in this randomness and what kind of random inputs are needed to determine the further outcome of the randomness is unknown.

Through long observations and their verification. There are a lot of "accidents", but whoever has noticed what works according to those "accidents".

Just don't think it's head-shoulders and other TA).

prikolnyjkent: Maybe you can apply some logic to that statement too...?

The key word is random. That's what I think...


Exactly. Everything is random, but how to figure out where we are in this randomness and what random inputs are needed to determine the further outcome of the randomness is unknown.

This is where the alchemy of the trading system begins. The fact that 95% and 95% here don't know what to do about it and they are still delighted that WOW markets are like SB - that's fine :) means they are still in the market food chain as fodder

Although I wrote literally 1 page ago that there are no coincidences, it's just a definition... (and knowledgeable people have confirmed it) but nubas don't care, they keep talking their nonsense and raving about it


If the bell is shifted to the right, it means that the market is dominated by up trends, if it is shifted to the left, it means that the market is dominated by down trends.
If the bell is shifted upwards, there are more small movements than large ones, but you can't make any profit on that.

the bell on the fund is shifted to the right. the fund is rising.

So, we checked for distribution. what other properties are there in the charts?



...Может Вы и логику под это утверждение какую-нибудь подвести можете?.. 


I don't talk to inadequate people :)

That's what I thought... Because there is NO other logic to your statement

If the bell is shifted to the right, it means that the market is dominated by up trends, if it is shifted to the left, it means that the market is dominated by down trends.
If the bell is shifted upwards, there are more small movements than large ones, but you can't make any profit on that.

the bell on the fund is shifted to the right. the fund is rising.

So, we checked for distribution. what other properties are there in the charts?

The very essence of the fund is) it always grows. If the stock doesn't grow (at least at the speed of inflation) - bankruptcy. On Forex it is different, the currency can move up and down against the other. But there is also a limitation in this case. If the country is economically stable, it will go around the dollar to certain limits.
You don't even need to draw the distribution, it's clear from the market properties.


prikolnyjkent:Может Вы и логику под это утверждение какую-нибудь подвести можете?.. 


A random walk - consequently, regularities will be random on it. the key word is "random". i think so...

Well, tell yourself at last WHAT IS THE SOURCE OF PROFIT in trading: regularities... or MOTION ? !.

And if you are old enough... and say "MOTION", then you will easily understand that there is no regularity in random wandering, but there is no MOTION at all

(I hope you won't say that you cannot make money with Movement...)

the man is sick. ignore it.
the man is sick. ignore it.

Another unsubstantiated assertion.

Is it a hobby of yours to blurt out the first thing that pops into your head... Or are you a regular troll of brokers, put in place to "muddy the waters and blow dust in the eyes" of guys who want to make money on a natural phenomenon - LEVEL VOLUME?


So tell yourself at last WHAT IS THE REAL SOURCE OF PROFIT in trading: regularities... or MOTION ? !...

And if you are old enough... And if you say "MOTION" you will easily understand that there is no regularity in random wandering, but there is no MOTION at all...

(I hope you won't try to assert that "you can't make money if you have Movement" ...).

Then tell me how to make money on the movement without using any patterns. What do you need to do? I know how to make money with an infinite deposit, but with a finite deposit I have to look for patterns.