Are there any people who got rich off forex? - page 5


the trader does not want to participate in economic growth and does not care about the economy...the trader is a purely selfish entity who only helps himself...and chases big profits...bigger than economic growth itself...the trader wants to be cunning and outperform the indices...... wants to earn higher interest than those who set up businesses and do nothing... so this cheap, anti-humanitarian approach results in a hit... so the market teaches and throws people out for greediness... so that the economy does not collapse... because it can not be otherwise...

To prevent the economy from collapsing... because it can't be otherwise... just imagine in what hell we'd be living in if everyone could earn 1000% a year and did nothing else... everything would collapse...But the problem is that you cannot make money trading ... the market, the economic system and society do not allow it.

Do you have a halo on your head that shines brighter than the sun?

It always makes the blood boil.

I do not care about the economy, I do not care about you, I do not care about anyone who is not close to me, yes I am selfish, yes I have a lot of tricks.

But such people have a better chance of providing their people with food and everything they need than all those who are so right and humane and think about everyone.


Is there a halo on your head shining brighter than the sun?

It always makes your blood boil when you hear such smart-asses.

I earn on the stock exchanges, yes I don't give a damn about the economy, I don't care about you, I don't care about anyone who is not close to me, yes I am selfish, yes I have a lot of cunning.

I don't give a damn about you, I am selfish, yes I am clever, yes I am cunning.

what halo are we talking about...i'm the most selfish person in the world)...

and i too don't care about everyone and particular the economy in general...i'm only interested in my loved ones and me...and profits...and greed...

i am not talking about that and you misunderstood me... what i am saying is that with this approach where everyone wants to steal from someone else and does nothing but consume what others have created one will always run around zero, because the world cannot provide for all egoists and idlers in the world...They fight each other at the exchange market for a piece of meat and pass it to one person or another one by one.... ... and if you got a good piece of meat in your mouth today, another person will take it tomorrow, the next day the third will do it and so on ... and it will go on forever ... a war for freebies ...

Why does a trader suddenly think he will systematically ruin other equally greedy and nimble individuals ...

the money in the exchange will only be given to him to hold for a while before they take it away again....

THE END is a fairy tale with zero endings.


I think, if there are any, there are very few of them. I mean those who make money on a regular basis.

I've read about 100 books and tested all the ideas in them, plus my own ideas. To be honest, after 7 thousand, I stopped counting the order in which bots I was making. I have optimized and tested each robot. I have also tried combining automated and manual trading. As a matter of fact I was working 10-12 hours a day and was sleeping much in my spare time. As a result I have got additional problems with my heart in addition to spine.

I could not earn any money. Almost all trading robots eventually failed, or I earned some money and then lost the profit.

All my research is limited by my old laptop and lack of space. The accommodation you live in means a lot. Trading is a lot of stress in itself and when you finally get a chance to sleep and your roommates have occasional bouts of debauchery or just start bouncing around for no reason, it takes a heavy toll on your health.

Plus, the computer's processing power is weak, so it can take a long time to check everything. I need a few powerful computers and a separate room for them, as constantly being with running machines, too, is not good for health, changing the blood.

So, for the time being I only check Forex, I don't look at shares, futures, anyway, I have no money and processing power for them.

I cannot work for somebody else, my health is not good enough. So it turns out that either forex will finish me off, or I will...


I've read about 100 books and used algorithms to check all the ideas in them, plus my own ideas.

This is where the mistake was made. You think that there is some system that gives you a profit - there is none, much less written down in a book somewhere. This condition is provided by the bidders themselves.
forexman77: I've read about 100 books and used algorithms to check all the ideas they contain, plus my own ideas.
No one will write anything useful. You need to think with your head. Of course, there are interesting articles from which you can get something interesting ... new for yourself, but whether it will do any good, not a fact.
Igor Ryapisov:
That's where I made a mistake. You think that there is a system that will give you a profit, it does not exist, especially if it is written in a book. This condition is provided by the traders themselves.
No one can write anything useful. You have to think for yourself. Of course, there are interesting articles you may find something new for you, but may it be of no use, I don't know.

I also think with my own head. I can't say that all books have been useful, maybe 10-15%, but I am critical of everything. I always check them. I did pick up a few ideas from books.

You have to dig through mountains of information to find something worthwhile.

nowi: and the strategy is always just BUY AND HOLD. everything else is a zero-sum financial casino.

And it makes sense, because every company is interested in strengthening its business and the stock price goes up as a consequence. So there's a chance that the stock price will go up. And why not take a risk and invest an amount of money you don't mind losing at that profit/loss ratio.

1. an investor does not short...that's one...he buys an asset, thus helping the company and investing in something useful which the company brings to society...

I agree, in addition, by investing and helping the company investors contribute to a rise in the price of the shares and get a return on their investment, so the "strategy is always only BUY AND HOLD" is quite logical.

And if the reasoning is that the stock may not rise and you have to short it, then you may not live to see tomorrow, everything is relative.

forexman77: I did get a few ideas from books.

For myself, the main thing is to have ideas. As long as there are ideas, there is hope for the best)


I think, if there are any, there are very few of them. I mean those who make money on a regular basis.

I've read about 100 books and tested all the ideas in them, plus my own ideas. To be honest, after 7 thousand, I stopped counting the order in which bots I was making. I have optimized and tested each robot. I have also tried combining automated and manual trading. As a matter of fact I was working 10-12 hours a day and was sleeping much in my spare time. As a result I have got additional problems with my heart in addition to spine.

I could not earn any money. Almost all trading robots eventually failed, or I earned some money and then lost the profit.

All my research is limited by my old laptop and lack of space. The accommodation you live in means a lot. Trading is a lot of stress in itself and when you finally get a chance to sleep and your roommates have occasional bouts of debauchery or just start bouncing around for no reason, it takes a heavy toll on your health.

Plus, the computer's processing power is weak, so it can take a long time to check everything. I need a few powerful computers and a separate room for them, as constantly being with running machines, too, is not good for health, changing the blood.

So, for the time being I only check Forex, I do not look at shares, futures, I have no money for them anyway.

I cannot work for somebody, my health is not good enough. So it turns out that either forex will kill me, or I will kill it...

Sorry . 1, Depression in the stock market is a failure. 2, 1000 books, too. 3, Robot-if you don't pay for it is also a failure. Trading without an algorithm ---- ))) you're out of your pants.... No health do not turn on the {computer} --1 ( In place of price and movements. Watch only indicators and robots) 2 Books --- do not go there or (the head) the snow will fall down that my brother told my (cousin) uncle.) (But someone buys it and you see that you are losing money. The law - the time, the price, the direction. The indicator - it doesn't matter.))) In this world, the law is simple - people versus people. I have nothing against help (bars and bots). Sincerely.

Роман Котунов:

Sorry . 1, Discouragement in the stock market is a failure.2, 1000 books too. 3, Robot-if you don't pay for it is also a failure. Trading without an algorithm ---- ))) you are without pants.... No health do not turn on the {computer} --1 ( In place of price and movements. Watch only indicators and robots) 2 Books --- do not go there or (the head) the snow will fall down that my brother told my (cousin) uncle.) (But someone buys it and you see that you are losing money. The law - the time, the price, the direction. The indicator - it doesn't matter.))) In this world, the law is simple - people versus people. I have nothing against help (bars and bots). Sincerely.

Yes, why get discouraged. There is simple pragmatism and nothing more. I wrote about the books above. With health, there's nothing you can do about it.