Are there any people who got rich off forex? - page 3

Alexey Kozitsyn:
Then what are you doing here (on this forum)? Are you trying to find a rebuttal to your words?

Forex for me is a pathological addiction, along with all my other severe addictions...which I unfortunately cannot get rid of.... that's why I trade every day, sit on the forum...make robots...i.e. do the most useless activity in the world... I would rather mow my neighbours' lawn for a fiver...
Олег avtomat:

But such seemingly "little things" as paying bills (land, rent, children's [institute] and grandchildren's [school, kindergarten] education, electricity, heat, telephone, etc.), housekeeping, repairs, gardening expenses, transport, etc., etc., while rates are constantly rising for literally all items - that is, generally speaking, ensuring a normal life. Doesn't that fall under the definition of "getting rich"?

That's kind of a naive question to bring up... And it sounds a bit childish, doesn't it?

Of course it fits!!! And how ... it would be a proof of business ... but to live on forex earnings and pay the bills is even more unreal than collecting bottles from bins in the park ...

earning a steady income from forex == thinking you can buy lottery tickets every month and live off the winnings....

the forex forums are a conglomeration of the most naive people on the planet(except for freelancing, the market and signals - it's a real business, albeit exploiting other people's naivety)


Strange conversations are going on here.

1) Becoming a forex billionaire may not be realistic, but raising a fortune and distributing it properly is what's real and important.

Let's assume that you may have earned 30 million roubles in Forex. What to do with these 30 million roubles? Correctly - invest it. Invest in buying property, invest in buying shares, and finally invest in your own business.

It isnot correct - if a person has chosen a way to raise his fortune working on Forex (it means he considers/judges that this very activity is most likely to be successful for him) and he was able to earn 30 million (that confirms the correctness of his choice of a way of making income), then it is highly unwise to invest the earned money in other activities (in which, given the initial choice in favour of Forex, a person does not expect to be as successful).
The right thing to do, observing reasonable proportions, is to distribute the money earned into 2 types of investments:
1- to earn on Forex (having a solid starting capital, it will already be easier than starting from scratch) the sums are already an order/pair of orders of magnitude bigger;
2- invest in yourself (including and perhaps even as a priority, to obtain a return in the form of intangible benefits) - which means health, education, improvement of living conditions, development of talents and abilities, increasing the cultural and spiritual level of himself, family, relatives and friends, patronage and charity (let it not seem strange, but I also refer these items of expenditure to "investment in themselves").
As the amount of income generated increases, the percentage between these types of investment can be changed

.... I spend 10 hours a day on Forex market on good days and up to 16-18 hours if you get minus positions and you win 5 days a week, by the weekend there's nothing left and you're a piece of shit, you're exhausted and on Monday you start the "Groundhog Day" again...

As someone of the wise said, a person is most successful in the activity that gives him the most joy and satisfaction in the process (this is not a literal quotation, the common sense is retold). You need either to change the activity or change your attitude to it. (I'm just making a point without trying to counter-argue like "don't tell me how to live my life").

Forex for me is a pathological addiction, along with all my other severe addictions...which unfortunately I cannot get rid of.... so I trade every day, sit on a forum...make robots...i.e. I do the most useless activity in the world...I'd rather mow my neighbours' lawn for a fiver...

Better think of it as a "hobby". Like fishing, for example. It is not always (or rather often) the value of the catch brought home (similar to the amount of fish bought on the market) justifies the effort, time and money spent.

... or you could compare the game in a machine to a grocery shop, for example... 1...You can make money there and there... 2...The risk is there in both variants... 3.There is an instability factor in both...

so put an equal sign on.... but you obviously can't put an equal sign on....

I once worked at a slot machine overnight earning amounts comparable to a miner's salary for a month. I deliberately used the word "earned" rather than "won" because I did not set myself the task of playing.
Vladimir Suschenko:
Not correct - if a person has chosen a way to make a fortune, working on Forex (it means he/she assumes/calculates that success is most probable for him/her in this particular activity) and he/she was able to earn 30 million (which confirms the correctness of his/her choice of a way of making money), then it is extremely illogical to invest the earned money in other activities (in which, based on the initial choice in favor of Forex, the person does not expect to be as successful).
The right thing to do, observing reasonable proportions, is to distribute the money earned into 2 types of investments:
1- to earn on Forex (having a solid starting capital, it will already be easier than starting from scratch) the sums are already an order/pair of orders of magnitude bigger;
2- invest in yourself (including and perhaps in priority, to obtain a return in the form of intangible benefits) - that means in health, education, improvement of living conditions, development of talents and abilities, increasing the cultural and spiritual level of himself, family, relatives and friends, patronage and charity (let it not seem strange, but I also refer these items of expenditure to "investment in themselves").
As the amount of income generated increases, the percentage between these types of investment can be changed
As someone of the wise said, a person is most successful in the activity that gives him the most joy and satisfaction in the process (this is not a literal quotation, the common sense is retold). You need either to change the activity or change your attitude to it. (I'm just making a point without the aim to counter-argue like "don't teach me how to live".)
Well, it's a matter of taste. My son earned capital in the trading business and the stock market and then passed the business on to his sister and her husband. He invested the money he earned in real estate and in shares in chain supermarkets. He went to Germany, bought a four-room flat on the bank of the Maina, has a car with an underground garage in the yard and a summer cottage. The dacha has various fruits, including grapes, various berries. Prepare themselves ecologically clean compotes for the winter. Lives on dividends from real estate and shares. Married a German repatriate from Russia. Doesn't work, stays home with two young children, takes care of their upbringing. And his wife works. It's fashionable there in Europe now: the househusband. They go to resorts twice a year. In winter they go to Alpine skiing in Austria, in summer to Italy, to a mountain lake and to the sea. Tomorrow he will be 50 years old. (They live, as they say, happily ever after.) He asked me to move there too. But I love Russia and can't imagine life in a foreign land, so I refused.
Well, that's a matter of taste. My son earned capital in the trading business and in the stock market, and then handed the business over to his sister and her husband. He invested the money he earned in real estate and in shares in chain supermarkets. He went to Germany, bought a four-room flat on the bank of the Maina, has a car with an underground garage in the yard and a summer cottage. The dacha has various fruits, including grapes, various berries. Prepare themselves ecologically clean compotes for the winter. Lives on dividends from real estate and shares. Married a German repatriate from Russia. Doesn't work, stays home with two young children, takes care of their upbringing. And his wife works. It's fashionable there in Europe now: the househusband. They go to resorts twice a year. In winter they go to Alpine skiing in Austria, in summer to Italy, to a mountain lake and to the sea. Tomorrow he will be 50 years old. They live, as they say, happily).

Most of it may be conditionally referred to point 2 - investment in yourself.
However, I`d venture to guess, that before he curtailed his activity on active capital growth, his son has achieved more results, than in above example with 30 mn ruble?
Or am I right?
Yes, manual trading is very hard and sometimes sleepless work. I kind of feel sorry for you. Have you worked out a trading system yet? If you had a TS, you could order an expert and it would make your life a lot easier.

My trading system has existed for a long time, it took me 2.5-3 years to develop it. I am like Gollum from Lord of the Rings - MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD)))). Therefore, I do not want to hand it over to a programmer, who may someday leak it onto the network.
Vladimir Suschenko:

Most of this can be classified as item 2 - investment in oneself.
However, I would venture to guess that before he curtailed his capital-increasing activities, the son has achieved more than the 30 million roubles example above?
Or am I right?
I have never inquired about how much money he has earned, he only said that I have enough for the rest of my life. He doesn't drink alcohol, doesn't smoke, doesn't waste money, spends it wisely. All I know is that he got his main capital from the trading business and that he earned about RUB 1 million a year at the stock exchange. He gave up trading at the exchange after 2008, I do not remember exactly, when he went broke even on unexpectedly long bearish trends (he graduated from the intermediation). He lost 1 million roubles.
I think such people don't tend to spread the word about their achievements :) Money likes silence.

What a good point. Imagine a mere mortal made a fortune on the Forex market, would he shout it to the world? And then people will run to trade, lose all their money and curse him for ever. Or worse things will happen to him, there's a lot of bad people out there.... and among the world's rich.