I don't understand, is this really possible? Or is it a tricky one? - page 6

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Can you list them, I wonder.

Please use search engine Alexey, browser of your choice
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Can you list them, it's interesting.

You can find it here. They used to give out lists - now you can only search for brokers by company name.


If for example you put Forex in the name, then there are already 7 such brokers. But I think there are more because not all have the prefix Forex, although, maybe the law requires it, I do not know exactly.
Server Muradasilov:

I think you are mistaken - it is not Russian, but an affiliate, which is located in an offshore jurisdiction, and lives only under the jurisdiction of the country where it is affiliated.

Let it be so, no matter what - the broker is licensed, which means he can get it in court. I thought of cooperating with this understanding, but it was not to be.

Let it be as it is - the broker is licensed, which means you can get it in court. I thought of cooperating with this understanding, but it was not my fate.

They have a license, but they do not have enough dough))).

| Событие | Банк России
| Событие | Банк России
  • cbr.ru
Банк России одобрил первый базовый стандарт на финансовом рынке Базовый стандарт устанавливает единые правила совершения операций на финансовом рынке, которые будут обязательными для исполнения форекс-дилерами. По закону базовые стандарты должны быть разработаны профильными саморегулируемыми организациями для всех сегментов финансового рынка в...


This is where the answer will be. Bookmark it, I've been off-line since June, but I think there will be an answer in the summer and I'll be able to fill it in.

Thanks - I'll keep an eye on it.

Do you have an answer to my post above?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

I do not understand, is it really possible? Or is it some kind of tricks?

-Aleks-, 2017.05.27 15:58

Have you really tried checking the quotes of the DC and liquidity provider? In your opinion, if there is aggregation of several liquidity providers, will there be differences in quotes between them?

Структура и состав участников рынка FOREX
Структура и состав участников рынка FOREX
  • 2017.04.21
  • www.mql5.com
Народ, объясните структуру - есть биржа ФОРЕКС, кстати где её штаб-квартира? Есть основные участники - это крупные банки и центробанки государств...

Let it be as it is - a broker has a licence, which means you can get it in court. That's the understanding I thought of cooperating with, but no such luck.

You call them a broker, but the CB licence looks like a forex dealer.

It is not a brokerage licence. Two big differences. We are not talking about any brokerage services at all.

Server Muradasilov:

Read it just in case, but of course you can compete with an offshore brokerage house if you have enough money)))

OK. Well, they are putting things in order. As long as they don't make it a "let the goat in the garden to guard the cabbage" kind of deal.

Yes?))) There is no point in dealing with offshore companies without tax reform anyway. But this is another issue - at least let them clean up Russian brokers first, there are a lot of shysters.


You can find it here. It used to give out lists - now you can only search for brokers by company name.


If, for example, the name of forex, then 7 withdraws already. But I think there are more of them as not all have the prefix Forex, although the law may require it, I do not know exactly.

All the links you gave above, in other threads, do not matter, few people have decided to arrange their organizations there))

Here is the only place where everything is legal - a non-profit self-regulating organisation in the financial market

Ассоциация форекс-дилеров (АФД) - Новости
  • sroafd.ru
В интервью газете «Деловой Петербург» Руководитель Ассоциации форекс-дилер рассказал о текущем состоянии рынка форекс и о перспективах его развития. Подробнее

OK. Well, they're getting things in order. As long as it's not a "let the goat in the garden to guard the cabbage" kind of thing.


So it happened with one kitchen before the New Year - dozens of reports to the police about fraud, well they came to their offices, searched, got on the paw, scratched their tongues and went home to their families. The kitchen is the oldest in the market in my opinion ). So they all go to Cyprus where they can only get a rocket :)
Yuriy Asaulenko:

You call them a broker, but the CB licence looks like a forex dealer.

It is not a brokerage licence. Two big differences.

And why not, because a forex dealer does fiduciary management. Although, yes, in theory a broker works on behalf of a client and a forex dealer manages his clients' money on his own under a trust management agreement. I will be preparing for the FFMS in the summer. I hope to get to the bottom of all these definitions.