Discussion of article "Payments and payment methods" - page 71

They could also add a bitcoin withdrawal, that would be pretty fast.
Ahmed Sabry Mohammed Youssef Elgendi #: Why does't MQL try to use other payment methods like "Skrill" or "Neteller"? 

You can use Skrill via it's virtual credit card (which one can generate for free in a few seconds on the Skrill Dashborad).

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Paypal Withdrawal not Available

Fernando Carreiro, 2022.12.07 19:18

As an option, Skrill cards (be they physical or virtual) do work with MetaQuotes withdrawals.

Skrill is similar to PayPal and used by many brokers too, so it is a viable option for those having difficulties with the missing PayPal option.

Skrill virtual cards can be set-up in under a minute and there is no charge for them. Physical cards are also possible but have a cost and take some time to reach your home address.

EDIT: Skrill is also available in Brazil and even offers interoperability with Pix (Banco Central do Brasil).

Alberto Gauer Borrego #: They could also add a bitcoin withdrawal, that would be pretty fast.

Forget Cryptocurrencies. They not allowed under certain business and legal obligations. The are much too unstable for a non-financial company to manage and MetaQuotes ia a software company, not a financial one.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Paypal Withdrawal not Available

Fernando Carreiro, 2022.12.05 21:33

It is currently still not allowed in the EU! MetaQuotes is registered in the EU and must follow EU regulations.


Support Team 



Hello, our apologies, there are some technical issues from our side.

Temporary PayPal is not working for withdrawals, please try other withdrawal options.

Hopefully soon it will be fixed. If you want to use only PayPal for withdrawals, please try 1-2 days later.

Support Team 


18:44 IT

Hello, our apologies, there are some technical issues from our side.

Temporary PayPal is not working for withdrawals, please try other withdrawal options.

Hopefully soon it will be fixed. If you want to use only PayPal for withdrawals, please try later this week.

Why is the information given by him not correct?😢😢😢

Fernando Carreiro #:

You can use Skrill via it's virtual credit card (which one can generate for free in a few seconds on the Skrill Dashborad).

Skrill does not operate in Venezuela

Alfredo Jose Garcia Carrero #: Skrill does not operate in Venezuela

Ok! I guess there are many countries in which Skrill does not operate ... Skrill — Non-serviced Countries


too many.

PayPal already seems strange to me.... I'm already worried about the situation, that they won't activate it anymore. Too active and too passive mql5 with the affectations to its users.

Alfredo Jose Garcia Carrero #: too many. PayPal already seems strange to me.... I'm already worried about the situation, that they won't activate it anymore. Too active and too passive mql5 with the affectations to its users.

Yes, it is a pity that MetaQuotes does not release official notices of what is going on. They stay silent which only further drives the speculation.

But unfortunately, that has been their attitude and way for everything since ages ago. I doubt they will ever change.

It will be back just be patient and let them work in peace :)
Thushara Udayanjana #:

Hello MQL5 Team,

Please help me, I deposited money in my MQL5 account,Now 134$ left and I no longer need Robots and Signals.

(Not support PayPal to withdraw it) I tried many times withdraw my money using the bank card (Credit & Debit)

Always said //// Bank cards payment system has rejected the withdrawal operation. Please contact the bank that issued your card for details.

But no error from my bank side.

Please solve this withdrawal issue, I'm from Sri Lanka.

Hello Thushara, Same problem here with me. i was got many withdrawals in Webmoney but now That is not working. so i tried Bank Master Debit Card but i am getting same Error .
// Bank cards payment system has rejected the withdrawal operation. Please contact the bank that issued your card for details.
and now they removed Paypal Option from the withdraw section.
The Bad thing is on the mql5.com Service desk is a Auto Chat Bot. That cannot solve the issue. Our money is Stuck here. Hopefully MQL5.com solve this issue and we can continue our journey with mql5 for long time.

so can you please notify to me is your issue solved or still your can't withdraw. 
