Registration for the MetaQuotes-Demo Championships in May - page 56


VII. Determination of the winners (medalists)

  1. At the end of the Championship (23:59 PM on December 28th, 2012 trading time), all positions will be closed.
  2. Only three Participants who have the largest positive profits by the end of the Championship will be declared as the Winners. A positive profit is considered to be the profit that exceeds the initial balance.
  3. If 2 or more contestants have the same balance, the Jury will make the final decision.
  4. If no Participant has a positive profit, there is no winner.
  5. Winners agree to have their names published.
  6. Winners agree to participate in the promotional and marketing activities of the Organiser and the Sponsors, including interviews, photo-reports and public announcements via the media about the promotions.
Andrey Dik:

I never argued with the highlighted in bold, yes, when you close the position the balance will equal the equity. But that's not what I'm talking about at all, don't you see? Have you read my post at all, tried to understand what it says?

Moreover, you said in the video that I didn't understand it and that the balance equals equity when I closed the position - this is a lie! Why would you make a video and not mention what I have been saying for several days in a row?

Vitaliy, I believe you are a smart man. Do not be influenced by the opinion of the majority! Think again about what I'm trying to say, I believe in you, I mean it.

Me too, by the way!

Andrey, it's no accident that I showed in practice in two examples that after the close the balance is equal to the equity before the close, and it's not a video-montage, but the real transactions that took place. Revisit the video again, please.


VII. Determination of the winners (medalists)

  1. At the end of the Championship (23:59 PM on December 28th, 2012 trading time), all positions will be forcibly closed.
  2. Only three Participants who have the largest positive profits by the end of the Championship will be declared as the Winners. A positive profit is considered to be the profit that exceeds the initial balance.
  3. If 2 or more contestants have the same balance, the Jury will make the final decision.
  4. If none of the Participants has a positive profit, it is considered that there is no winner.
  5. Winners agree to have their names published.
  6. Winners consent to participate in promotional and marketing activities of the Organiser and the Sponsors, including interviews, photo-reports and publicity via the media about the promotions.

It is not possible to force closure of positions, and I have said so at the end of the video. Also, we need to take into account any force majeure, someone did not have time to go home, someone has lost internet, someone had a closing advisor, but lights flickered and computer rebooted, but a participant somewhere far away knows for sure that he will close everything. In our situation there is no way that all participants will close 100%.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

We do not have the ability to close positions forcibly, and I said so at the end of the video. We also have to take into account any force majeure, someone didn't get home in time, someone lost internet, someone had a closing advisor, but the lights flickered and the computer rebooted, but a participant somewhere far away knows for sure that everything will close for them. In our situation there is no way that all participants will close 100%.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Me too, by the way!

Andrey, I didn't accidentally show in practice in two examples that after closing the balance will equalise exactly to the equity before closing, and it's not a video montage, but real transactions that have taken place. Revisit the video again, please.

Did I say anywhere that this is not the case? Anywhere, huh? Why are you attributing to me something I didn't say?
Vitaly Muzichenko:

We do not have the ability to close positions forcibly, and I said so at the end of the video. We also have to take into account any force majeure, someone didn't get home in time, someone lost internet, someone had a closing advisor, but the lights flickered and the computer rebooted, but a participant somewhere far away knows for sure that everything will close for them. In our situation there is no way that all participants will close 100%.

These are all excuses. Re-read my post on how profits are calculated. I'm starting to lose hope in you. It's not getting there.

You must understand that I have no intention to teach the world, I cannot do it even if I wanted to. But you can handle a simple thing, how to calculate profits for an accounting period. It is very simple!

Andrey Dik:

I never argued with the highlighted in bold, yes, when you close the position the balance will equal the equity. But that's not what I'm talking about at all, don't you see? Have you read my post at all, tried to understand what it says?

Moreover, you said in the video that I didn't understand it and that the balance equals equity when I closed the position - this is a lie! Why would you make a video and not mention what I have been saying for several days in a row?

Vitaliy, I believe you are a smart man. Do not be influenced by the opinion of the majority! Think again about what I am trying to say, I believe in you, I mean it.

Andrew, one more time) You operate with the fact that until the positions are closed, there is no money, i.e. they are virtual. In fact, it is a virtual balance, not equity. It is like a credit card with a balance of 30,000 rubles, while your equity is 1,500 because you bought a fridge on credit and nothing will be sold to you in a neighbouring shop worth more than the amount of your equity, even though your balance is still 30,000. But there are people who have 50,000 on their credit card with a balance of 30,000, so they have equity and can purchase "something" worth 50,000 at any time of day and not just for the 30,000 they have on their balance.

That's how it is with us, there's balance and there's equity.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Andrew, once again) You are operating on the fact that until the positions are closed, there is no money, i.e. they are virtual. In fact, the balance is virtual, not equity. It is like a credit card with a balance of 30,000 rubles, while your equity is 1,500 because you bought a fridge on credit and nothing will be sold to you in a neighbouring shop worth more than the amount of your equity, even though your balance is still 30,000. But there are people who have 50,000 on their credit card with a balance of 30,000, so they have equity and can purchase "something" worth 50,000 at any time of day and not just for the 30,000 they have on their balance.

That's the way it is for us, there's balance and there's equity.

No, that's not what I was talking about. Try again.
Andrey Dik:
No, that is not what I was saying. Try again.

All right, let me be stupid and dumb, but still, show me by example where I am wrong. By the way, you can show me not yourself, but ask any member of the forum. I may not know something, but I know for sure.

Please operate with an example, not an answer "from around the corner".

Vitaly Muzichenko:

All right, let me be stupid and dumb, but still, show me by example where I am wrong. By the way, you can show me not yourself, but ask any member of the forum. I may not know something, but I know for sure.

Please operate with an example, not an answer "around the corner".

So I gave you examples. Several of them.

I don't believe anyone understands what I'm talking about, unfortunately.

OK, I'll try to break it down on my fingers, although the link above has a definition of profit, but it may not be clear to anyone. Any trading activity, be it potato trading, smartphone trading, or CFD trading can only be evaluated for the reporting period by closed positions. For example, Euroset's head office does not care how many branches in cities bought smartphones for sale (equity). They are only interested in how many smartphones were sold during the reporting period (balance, the difference between balances at the beginning of the period and at the end of the period is profit). I.e. closed transactions. Each branch of euroset has a struggle, each branch wants to sell more smartphones and report more profit. Profit counts only on closed deals, it does not matter when the last deal was closed, the main thing - profit counts on closed deals. Now imagine the most shrewd branch decided to do this: to buy a huge batch of smartphones, filling the warehouse with them, expecting that at the end of the month the manager will come and see a warehouse full of smartphones and be happy. But it didn't happen, the manager arrived and started yelling: "What the fuck did you fuckers do? When are you going to implement all this?" And the branch says: "When we sell it, there's gonna be a shitload of money!" And the manager says, "You lop-eared sheep, the dollar will jump at the beginning of the month and no one will take smartphones until they're completely obsolete, and then you'll sell for next to nothing?"

The same reasoning goes for those who love equity: they may accumulate a huge position and then, at closing, it will be big, and then I will beat everyone.

I would like to reiterate that all financial operations are measured by closed positions/contracts/contracts. Close positions one minute before the end of the competition, and then you can be evaluated on all parameters. It does not matter if your balance equals equity at the time of closing the position, but you will go to the shop when the positions are closed on your trading account. I have said it a thousand times, and I have explained it a thousand times, that you can use and calculate profit only when positions are closed. Closed. Closed. Closed. Closed.

This bullshit will not work: "Here I close the position on my trading account, and I'll have lots and lots of money, but in the meantime give me that pink RollsRoyce please for 200 quid from the balance! Close your positions first, then come back again. And don't give me that "At the end of the contest, the balance will sort of equalise with equity" gumption again. It's obvious that it will equalise! You should also ask MQ to make the signals show equity indicators, not closed positions, to mess with investors' heads....

LOL at you people. Understand, trading performance cannot be calculated overnight. Profits are calculated over a reporting period. And by closed positions. Closed positions are an indicator of deliberate financial actions. Do you think Samsung is a fool, why do not they make a billion S8? Equity will be big! No, they do exactly as much as they can then sell (close positions) and at the end of the year the report is "120m S8s sold" not "880m S8s in stock".

Once again, a request. Folks, is there anyone here with a financial background? Anybody? Please help me, explain it to me professionally, I can't do it, unfortunately.