Would anyone be willing to work in a group? - page 3

Uladzimir Izerski:

This is a longer-term prospect. We are not talking about that yet. We need to create an intellectual skeleton first.

One step forward and three steps back?
Evgeny Belyaev:

1 step forward and 3 steps back?

Previously said, what the idea could be.

At the moment, no one is creating one yet.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I told you before what the idea might be.

At the moment, no one is creating one yet.

What is the idea? Is there a niche, a competitive advantage...?

You haven't even set a specific goal.

If there is no goal, there will be no implementation!

Evgeny Belyaev:

What's the idea? Is there a niche, a competitive advantage...??

You haven't even set a specific goal.

If there is no goal, there will be no implementation!

What can I say? Then this project is not for your level.

I always implement ideas from simple to more complex, not the other way around.

Uladzimir Izerski:

What can I say? Then this project is not at your level.

I always go from the simple to the more complex, not the other way around.

The big companies here don't trust the big bucks - there's a lot of scamming going on, even at the seemingly respectable banks... And the topic has been raised more than once, but no one wants to share their ideas or intellectual potential for nothing... in short, the topic is not for "free hunters"...))
Uladzimir Izerski:

What can I say? Then this project is not at your level.

I always go from the simple to the more complex, not the other way around.

So there's no idea, just a bunch of words. You can't even describe the purpose in words.

You are clearly not the director of the team.

Сергей Криушин:
The big companies here don't trust the big bucks - there's a lot of scamming going on, even in seemingly decent banks... In fact, the topic has been raised many times, but no one wants to share their ideas or intellectual potential for free ... in short, the topic is not for "free hunters" ...))

No one is not forcing, not persuading, not promising a 1000% profit.

But you seem to be taking an unhealthy interest. Why would that be? Answer me, please.

Сергей Криушин:
The big companies here are not trusted with money - there is a particular scam around, even in seemingly respectable banks... And this topic has been raised more than once, but no one wants to share their ideas or intellectual potential for free... in short, the topic is not for "free hunters"...)

There are no scams in banks, at least not in Russia. Where are you from?
Evgeny Belyaev:

So there is no idea, just a general set of words. You cannot even describe the goal in words.

You are clearly not the director of the team.

I never said anything about being a director.

No one forbids you from assembling a team and being a director in it.

I think that with this level of trust in people, you will not be able to create even a small cell. I may be wrong, but that is not the main point.

Uladzimir Izerski:

There was no question of directorship on my part.

No one forbids you to assemble a team and be a director in it.

I think that with this level of trust in people, you will not be able to create even a small cell. I may be wrong, but that's not the point.

I don't intend to, not even a thought. I didn't say anything about trust, you can't even answer leading questions, and you're starting to backpedal. I just wanted to help you, and you're not answering.

P/S people trust me , yes and I reciprocate them after payment.