Sparring on MetaQuotes-Demo demo accounts - page 7

Server Muradasilov:

1:100 all

printf("ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE = %d",AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE));

2017.03.24 15:21:56.659 111 (AUDUSD,M15) Client 'MetaTrader 5 Demo' account #5477214 demo opened with 'MetaQuotes Software Corp.' on 'MetaQuotes-Demo' server
2017.03.24 15:21:56.659,111 (AUDUSD,M15) Account currency is USD, MarginCall and StopOut level is set in percentage
2017.03.24 15:21:56659 111 (AUDUSD,M15) MarginCall level=50, StopOut level=30
2017.03.24 15:21:56.659 111 (AUDUSD,M15) ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE = 100

//|                                                          111.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer
//--- имя компании 
   string company=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_COMPANY); 
//--- имя клиента 
   string name=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_NAME); 
//--- номер счета 
   long login=AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN); 
//--- имя сервера 
   string server=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_SERVER); 
//--- валюта счета 
   string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY); 
//--- демо, конкурсный или реальный счет 
//--- теперь превратим значение перечисления в понятный вид 
   string trade_mode; 
//--- в процентах или в денежном выражении задается уровень Stop Out 
//--- получим значения уровней, при которых наступает Margin Call и Stop Out 
   double margin_call=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_CALL); 
   double stop_out=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO); 
//--- выведем краткую информацию по счету 
   PrintFormat("Счет клиента '%s' #%d %s открыт в '%s' на сервере '%s'", 
   PrintFormat("Валюта счета - %s, уровень MarginCall и StopOut задается в %s", 
               currency,(stop_out_mode==ACCOUNT_STOPOUT_MODE_PERCENT)?"процентах":" в деньгах"); 
   PrintFormat("Уровень MarginCall=%G, уровень StopOut=%G",margin_call,stop_out); 
     printf("ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE =  %d",AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE)); 
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer()
//| Trade function                                                   |
void OnTrade()
//| TradeTransaction function                                        |
void OnTradeTransaction(const MqlTradeTransaction& trans,
                        const MqlTradeRequest& request,
                        const MqlTradeResult& result)
//| Tester function                                                  |
double OnTester()
   double ret=0.0;

//| TesterInit function                                              |
void OnTesterInit()
//| TesterPass function                                              |
void OnTesterPass()
//| TesterDeinit function                                            |
void OnTesterDeinit()
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//| BookEvent function                                               |
void OnBookEvent(const string &symbol)
Participants of the championship
Sparring signals, please do not subscribe to this signal
Server Muradasilov is organizer and supervisor
Evgeny Belyaev
Andrey Dikwaiting for registration

I created an mt4 account, you all have mt5 accounts.
Evgeny Belyaev:
I created an mt4 account, you all have mt5 accounts.

I think in a championship like this, it doesn't really matter.

Vladimir Gribachev:

No, not an option at all. Sorry.

Maybe someone has an idle vps?

Who has a non-MQ vps?

Evgeny Belyaev:

Maybe someone has an idle vps?

Who has a non-MQ vps?

My machine is 24/7, I still have VPS from MQ which is very reliable, awesome fast - like SHANHAI BARS! with the price of some $10 a month
Yuriy Zaytsev:
Own machine 24/7 , I also have a VPS from MQ, which is very reliable, amazingly fast - as SHANHAI BARS! with the price of some 10$ per month
If someone does not feel sorry for the source - I can put on my machine!
Yuriy Zaytsev:

I think in a championship like this, it's not crucial.

It doesn't matter.
Yuriy Zaytsev:
If anyone cares about the source code, I can put it on my machine!

Why not trust the source? .ex4-5?
Evgeny Belyaev:

Why not trust the source? .ex4-5?

:-))))) nnuu - interesting question - no problem EX(4/5)