Sparring on MetaQuotes-Demo demo accounts - page 60

Andrey Dik:

What kind of reaction goes on there?

As if the championship is already underway, you can't jump on a departing train, you have to warn them in advance. I think some people took it very seriously:)
Server Muradasilov:

If it's not too obtrusive) If it's not obtrusive, it may be OK, you know you could get banned for spam.
The Championship has been agreed with the Administration, MQ is not against it, they say you can, but not too much.
Alexey Kozitsyn:
It's like the championship is already underway, you can't jump on a departing train, you have to warn them in advance. I think some people took it very seriously:)
Yes, also, in order to gather all those who want to participate, the championship must be organised on their land.

Trading Championship English

Championship participants /ParticipantsPlatform / terminalMonitoring of participants , please do not subscribe - high risk
1Server MuradasilovMetaTrader 5
Head of the competition / chief
2Yuriy ZaytsevMetaTrader 5
3Evgeny BelyaevMetaTrader 4
4Andrey DikMetaTrader 5
5Alexandr SaprykinMetaTrader 4
6Igor VolodinMetaTrader 5
7Vyacheslav KornevMetaTrader 4
8Vitaly MuzichenkoMetaTrader 4
9Sergey GritsayMetaTrader 5
10Vladimir ZubovMetaTrader 4
11Mikhail GoryunovMetaTrader 4
12Alexey KozitsynMetaTrader 5
13Don't write anyone here"the baker's dozen"
14Vladimir LekhovitserMetaTrader 4
15Yury KirillovMetaTrader 5
16Yousufkhodja SultonovMetaTrader 4
17Vladimir PastushakMetaTrader 4
18Igor RybakovMetaTrader 4
19Gennady SergienkoMetaTrader 4
20Alexander IvanovMetaTrader 5
21Uladzimir KirychenkaMetaTrader 4

23Aleksey Vakhrushev
MetaTrader 4
24Ziheng ZhuangMetaTrader 4
Sparring Demo-account MQL
Sparring Demo-account MQL
Спарринг на демо-счетах MetaQuotes Старт 27.03.2017 - завершение 28.04.2017 Правила на этот период: 1. Открыть демо-счёт на сервере 2. Начальный депозит: 10 000. Плечо 1:100 3. Зарегистрировать сигнал Фортс инструменты (MOEX) - запрещены! Мониторинги участников:  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18 ...

something has started to threaten me))))

Is this the way to behave when threatening players in a competition? Even though you're a moderator, you shouldn't threaten a player like that.

I did not even write blasphemy more than others.

All in the joy of competition and communication write.

And suddenly I'm threatened with being banned.


15 - participants chose MT4

8 - participants selected MT5

In my opinion this is a good progress of the MT5 platform


15 participants chose MT4

8 participants chose mt5

In my opinion this is a good progress of the MT5 platform

Alexander Ivanov:

Yes, I understand.

But is it a sin to ask?

Of course not :)

Thank you

Alexander Ivanov:

something has started to threaten me))))

Is this the way to behave when threatening players in a competition? Even though you're a moderator, you shouldn't threaten a player like that.

I did not even write blasphemy more than others.

All in the joy of competition and communication write.

And suddenly I'm threatened with being banned.

Alexander, you are going somewhere wrong )))) no threats, just worries about the participants.
Server Muradasilov:

Of course not :)

Thank you

Good .

Server Muradasilov:

Alexander, you are going nowhere. )))) No threats, just worries about the participants.

Yes? Then I'm sorry.

I will not write too much.

May the patience of Tylunga be with me.