Sparring on MetaQuotes-Demo demo accounts - page 78

Alexey Volchanskiy:

but is there no way to sort the table by growth?

Yes, you can - in EXCEL and that's it

Renat Akhtyamov:

I'm looking from the outside at this table. From the nicknames - it's not very easy to tell who's in first, second etc...

All of them are verified. Maybe the last name of the contestants should be displayed?

For example Sasha Ivanov, that I understand, and Vigor - I have no idea who it is.
That's not convenient either, it's essentially a login.
Vitaly Muzichenko:
The sorting is ready, I'll post it later. More suggestions)

Vitaly , you can do - what would be sorted by any column - directly on the page, if it is a lot of trouble, you do not need. I make a copy of the page directly into excel, marked - then CTRL + C and then in EXCEL CTRL + V, and there you can as you want. Most of us probably know how to do it.


The pound broke through yesterday's catch, one against the USD will not hold up.


not bad for a band in striped swimming costumes!

ParticipantMeansBalanceIncreaseDrawdownSharpe RatioBack DepositsStarted depositMT
1Vigor16 446.0817 311.9873.12%40.46%0.42102.15%10 000.00 USD5
2projectAlbion16 030.2816 030.2860.30%3.44%0.8499.87%10 000.00 USD4
3SAASA_IVANOV14 700.8418 585.8485.86%22.79%0.3798.85%10 000.00 USD5

depo leaders are as productive as an aeroplane engine on takeoff!

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Vitaly, it is possible to make it sort by any column directly on the page, if it is too much trouble, it is not necessary. I make a copy directly from the page to excel by marking - then CTRL+C then to EXCEL CTRL+V , and there you can do whatever you want. Most of us probably know how to do it.

Yura, how do you sort the whole table by growth in Excel? I'm not an expert in it, I have only one column sorted, how can I connect the others to it?
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yura, how do you sort the whole table by growth in Excel? I'm no expert in it, I have only one column sorted, how can I associate the rest with it?

Lesh, try it this way. I don't know it much myself .


By the way, we can do without that question.

if you don't select the whole column in the sorted column!


If you do not select a column, then the question about the automatic range expansion - will not be

Did it work?

Renat Akhtyamov:

I'm looking from the outside at this table. It's not easy to tell from the nicknames - who's in first, second, etc...

All are verified. May be by name of participants to display?

For example Sasha Ivanov, I get it, but Vigor, I have no idea who he is.

I'll keep that in mind

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Vitaly , you can do - what would be sorted by any column - right on the page, if it is a lot of trouble, it is not necessary. I make a copy from the page in excel, mark it, then CTRL + C and then in EXCEL CTRL + V , and then you can do whatever you want. Most of us probably know how to do it.

Does sorting work on page or not?
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Will do

So the sorting works on the page, doesn't it?
Yes yes yes fine!

15:30 USD Share of labour force in the total population Medium Mar


15:30 USD Number of new jobs created outside agriculture High Mar
180K 235K

15:30 USD Average hourly earn ings (YoY) Low Mar


15:30 USD Average hourly wage (m/m) Medium Mar


15:30 USD Average working week Medium Mar
34,4 34,4

15:30 USD Unemployment rate High March
4,7% 4,7%

And on Friday it will probably break, takeaways, stops, catching the pending orders.

It will probably be a fun day!