Sparring on MetaQuotes-Demo demo accounts - page 54

Server Muradasilov:
There was a suggestion to extend the sparring to the English branch. Sounds like a good idea to me! Maybe someone with a good command of the language could do it?

How is the ranking of participants formed, why is the signal, which is on the fourth place, not on the second place, although in terms of growth and current equity it should be on the second place? Or am I misunderstanding something or am I doing something wrong?

Alexey Kozitsyn:
There was a suggestion to extend the sparring to the English branch. Sounds like a good idea to me! Maybe someone with good knowledge of the language will do it?

I remember this post and I'm still thinking about it. Yes, it would be a good idea but my English is not so good as others. IfSergey Golubev would do it..... or someone in the area...
Server Muradasilov:

I remember this post and I'm still thinking about it. Yes, it's a good idea. My English is not so good as others. IfSergey Golubev does it..... or someone in the area ...
Then you should call. @Sergey Golubev, can you give me a hand?
Alexey Kozitsyn:
Then we should call. @Sergey Golubev, can you give me a hand?

Already did, we are waiting
Server Muradasilov:
As a possible idea for the future: the Nations Cup could be played.

There's already a thread here:Enthusiasts organize a championship! I would like to participate

But it's gone to the fourth page:

The reason is that they were moving the forum to english and even moving the elite and advanced sections, which I used to have access to via paypal. I have been working with them for many years and now they are uploading elite indicators and expert advisors :)

And I am slowly 'integrating' branches into the general content of the English forum, so far successfully, as some tsd branches in English just continued in our forum as if the transfer never happened.


This English branch ofEnthusiasts organize a championship! I would like to participate continue, at least on the first page or at the top.
I can in this English branch, for example tomorrow, make some 'review' of the Russian branch, but you yourself also post.
And, by the way, if you'll post there with links to signals (if I see or let me know) - I will need to warn other English moderators not to delete the English branch (they are kind people, but can not understand the idea of an example).

I'll make some posts there tomorrow (at weekend) and maybe some English people will join.

Just English people should know - that it is allowed, and do not "shy" that they will add advertising signal in sparring for example ...

Sergey Golubev:

There's already a thread here:Enthusiasts organize a championship! I would like to participate

But it's gone to the fourth page:

The reason is that they were moving the tsd forum to english and even the elite and advanced sections, which I used to have access to via paypal. I have been working with them for many years and now they are uploading elite indicators and expert advisors :)

And I am slowly 'integrating' branches into the general content of the English forum, so far successfully, as some tsd branches in English just continued in our forum as if the transfer never happened.


The English branchof Enthusiasts organize a championship! I would like to participate continue, at least on the first page or at the top.
I can in this English branch, for example tomorrow, make some 'review' of the Russian branch, but you yourself also post.
And, by the way, if you'll post there with links to signals (if I see or let me know) - I will need to warn other English moderators not to delete the English branch (they are kind people, but can not understand the idea of an example).

I'll make some posts there tomorrow (at weekend) and maybe some English people will join.

Just English people should know - that it is allowed, and do not "shy" to attribute advertising signal in sparring for example ...

It turns out that Yura has already been there :)
"Panda in the offing" would have done well as the title of some Disney cartoon. But no. It's a documentary about how one of the participants went on a break D)
The English people may not have time - it will take time to think about it, to make the signals, and this one ends on 28 April.
For the next championship, we need to get the English and Kit users up to speed, and then maybe there will be a bigger mass event.