Sparring on MetaQuotes-Demo demo accounts - page 26

Mikhail Goryunov:
I would like to participate, but it is not clear where to download mt4 platform, because on the official site they give me mt5.

There is no need to download anything if you already have MT4.

Enter MetaQuotes-Demo in the "Server" field

Mikhail Goryunov:
I would like to participate, but it is not clear where to download the mt4 platform, because on the official site they offer mt5.
Championship Participants
PlatformSparring signals , don't sign up - you will sell out or you will earn
Server Muradasilov0MetaTrader 5
Head of the competition
Yuriy Zaytsev0MetaTrader 5
Evgeny Belyaev0MetaTrader 4
Andrey Dik0MetaTrader 5
Alexandr Saprykin
0MetaTrader 4
Igor Volodin0MetaTrader 5
Vyacheslav Kornev
0MetaTrader 4
Vitaly Muzichenko
0MetaTrader 4
Sergey Gritsay0MetaTrader 5
Vladimir Zubov0MetaTrader 4
Mikhail Goryunov0MetaTrader 4Waiting

Leverage 100

10000$ depo

MetaQuotes-Demo server

register a signal something like

contest starts on 27.03.2017 - ends on 28.04.2017

Торговые сигналы для MetaTrader 5: Sparring
Торговые сигналы для MetaTrader 5: Sparring
  • Server Muradasilov
Торговый Сигнал Sparring для MetaTrader 5: копирование сделок, мониторинг счета, автоматическое исполнение сигналов и социальный трейдинг
Guys, you are creating an alternative rating for signals! Good luck and success to you!!!

The horses have rushed into action, the racing has begun, the foam is coming out of the horses lips, there are already accounts, which are impressive with their lots.

The time for entering the first place is very short, only a month!

MetaQuotes championships were held according to different criteria, a period of 3 months was given, perhaps this is more balanced.

Short-distance races, a month, are something else, the one who forces and plays for shorter distances - constantly building up fat - is more likely to win.

But if you remember the championships from MQ , the rules of the genre usually hides in the shadows, there is a suspicion that someone is hiding.


Man, the competitive spirit has taken over:) You can fight in hand-to-hand, right?

I've seen it, OK, sign me up.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

Man, the competitive spirit has taken over:) You can fight in hand-to-hand, right?

Got it, OK, sign me up.

Mikhail Goryunov:
I would like to participate, but it is not clear where to download the platform mt4, because on the official site they offer mt5.

Good luck, everyone.

I would like toparticipate.

Championship Participants
PlatformSparring Signals, don't sign up - you will get lost
1Server MuradasilovMetaTrader 5
Head of the competition
2Yuriy ZaytsevMetaTrader 5
3Evgeny BelyaevMetaTrader 4
4Andrey DikMetaTrader 5
5Alexandr SaprykinMetaTrader 4
6Igor VolodinMetaTrader 5
7Vyacheslav KornevMetaTrader 4
8Vitaly MuzichenkoMetaTrader 4
9Sergey GritsayMetaTrader 5
10Vladimir ZubovMetaTrader 4
11Mikhail Goryunov???
12Alexey KozitsynMetaTrader 5

Leverage 100

10000$ depo

MetaQuotes-Demo server

register a signal something like

contest starts on 27.03.2017 - ends on 28.04.2017


Registration is open until 10.04.2017

Торговые сигналы для MetaTrader 5: Sparring
Торговые сигналы для MetaTrader 5: Sparring
  • Server Muradasilov
Торговый Сигнал Sparring для MetaTrader 5: копирование сделок, мониторинг счета, автоматическое исполнение сигналов и социальный трейдинг
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Need a widget?

Торговые сигналы для MetaTrader 5: MQForumCompetition
Торговые сигналы для MetaTrader 5: MQForumCompetition
  • Alexey Kozitsyn
Торговый Сигнал MQForumCompetition для MetaTrader 5: копирование сделок, мониторинг счета, автоматическое исполнение сигналов и социальный трейдинг
Alexey Kozitsyn:
Need a widget?

of course! you can write the code for the widget in person or here as well!

Don't be too quick to react, I sometimes create a post and then make it ready! I'll put your signal in the table now!

Alexey Kozitsyn:

Need a widget?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Of course! You can write the code here or in person!

I will add the code to the table!

<iframe frameborder="0" width="220" height="140" src=""></iframe>