Is the vault working ? - page 5

alvasdem Александр:

Have you been able to solve the problem? I have the same problem. Login is in lowercase, authorisation is normal on website, buton in browser and software does not pass authorisation. Error 500. I tried different browsers, cleaned temporary files.

The problem is that you don't have activated storage.

To activate it, select "Activate MQL5 Storage" in MetaEditor.

Note that the Storage was moved from the old engine to the new one a long time ago, where you have to re-register/activate it.

MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

The thing is that you do not have an activated storage.

To activate it, you should select "Activate MQL5 Storage" in MetaEditor Navigator from context menu.

Note that Storage has long since moved from the old engine to the new one, where you need to re-register/activate.

Click "Connect to MQL5 Storage" in the pop-up menu. I have entered my login and password in the pop-up window, and error "2019.10.30 20:52:19.956 Storage activation of MQL5 Storage failed [500]" appears when I press OK.

Also via Service -> Settings -> Communiti.

"ActivateMQL5 Storage" nowhere to be seen :-(
Проекты и MQL5 Storage - Справка по MetaEditor
Проекты и MQL5 Storage - Справка по MetaEditor
это персональное онлайн-хранилище исходных кодов на MQL4/MQL5. Оно интегрировано в MetaEditor: вы можете сохранять и получать данных из хранилища прямо в редакторе. В  хранилище используется система контроля версий. Это значит, что вы всегда можете посмотреть, когда и как были изменены файлы, можете отменить любые изменения и вернуться к...
h01m1w.PNG  61 kb
vqt_de4e4-2.jpg  197 kb

There are threads about this in the English part of the forum, but two or three a year ... and mostly because of old Windows, or if Internet Explorer browser is not upgraded to the latest version.

PS. By the way, recently in the German part of the forum was a branch here(their moderator reported) .... But there seems to have been solved by the user himself (who did not report any data ...).

In short, it happens very rarely and is usually solved by the users themselves.

Storage activation of MQL5 Storage failed [500]
Storage activation of MQL5 Storage failed [500]
  • 2019.10.28
Hallo, ich bekomme immer obige Fehlermeldung wenn ich im Navigatorfenster des MetaEditor den MQL5 Storage activieren möchte...
Sergey Golubev:
There are threads about this in the English part of the forum, but two or three a year ... and mostly due to old Windows, or if the Internet Explorer browser is not upgraded to the latest version.
Yes, have encountered such nuances on the forums. But i have win 10 and iE is fresh. And there they have a different error ( 4... ) Error 500 is on server side storage
alvasdem Александр:
Yes, have encountered such nuances on the forums. But i have win 10 and iE is fresh. And they have different error ( 4... ) Error 500 - it is on server side storage

I supplemented my post there ...


And here - maybe something situational ... just wait ...
It very rarely happens ...
If it will be a few days - contact me in private, and I'll write to the German moderator (who recorded it on his forum two days ago) ... maybe - something to think about ... or make a request to the moderator service desk (but it needs to be specific) ...

I'm with Windows 10 64 bit now too (it even updated in the middle of the day today), and no problems so far.

Sergey Golubev:

There are threads about this in the English part of the forum, but two or three a year ... and mostly because of old Windows, or if Internet Explorer browser is not upgraded to the latest version.

PS. By the way, recently in the German part of the forum was a branch here(their moderator reported) .... But there seems to have been solved by the user himself (who did not report any data ...).

In short, it happens very rarely and is usually solved by the users themselves.

Similar situation with the author of this thread. I haven't found a solution yet... I installed metatrader5 on my hardware about three years ago and logged in using someone else's username (active to this day, but someone else's). We had a discussion with the owner of that account and after a while I deleted the metatrader. And now, 3-4 years later I installed the program again and registered. Maybe it has something to do with those actions . Metatrader could only recognise me this time if by hardware ID, yet I have cleaned out the files many times during this time
alvasdem Александр:
Similar situation with the author of this thread. I haven't found a solution yet... I installed metatrader5 on my hardware about three years ago and logged in using someone else's username (active to this day, but someone else's). We had a discussion with the owner of that account and after a while I deleted the metatrader. And now, 3-4 years later I installed the program again and registered. Maybe it has something to do with those actions . Metatrader could only recognise me this time if by hardware ID, all the files I have cleaned many times during this time
Yes, by the way, that German (see my post above) has the same situation - two logins.
Sergey Golubev:
Yes, by the way, that German (see my post above) has the same situation - two logins.
Authorisation from the same machine with different logins should not be a problem. Otherwise, how do offices trade? For each employee, a new iron? So it is unlikely to be a problem. Attached a screenshot, which shows my navigation items in the private office. There are no buttons Servicedek and Storage (they are shown in all documents, and I do not have them). Sergey, do you have these menu items?
j054la.PNG  30 kb
alvasdem Александр:
Authorisation from the same machine with different logins shouldn't be a problem. Otherwise, how do offices trade? Is there a new hardware for each employee? So this is hardly a problem. Attached a screenshot, which shows my navigation items in the private office. There are no buttons Servicedek and Storage (they are shown in all documents, and I do not have them). Sergey, do you have these menu items?

Here's all there is to it -

You have a very rare thing with storage (bug or something with your computer).
I'll ask the German moderator a bit later how they solved the problem.
Because I have problems with storage (as with most users here) - not at all ...


I'll say more ...

  • I have a Windows 8.1 tablet, the drive is naturally not HDD, 32 bit, and there is storage - for MT4 and MT5.
  • I have a computer (which I use now) with Windows 10 64 bit, also I have some storage.
  • There is also third party VPS with 4 Metatrader (MT4 for 3 units, and one MT5), there is Windows server 2008 (a la Windows 7), 64 bit, and there is storage (it asks for login to MetaEditor for storage - only once).

I only make sure I have the latest build of MT4 (and MT4 is being updated ... they say it's been abandoned - that's not true, and the latest MT5).
And that's it. And it's updated there along with MetaEditors - everywhere.


You have either something wrong with your computer or something incomprehensible... Because if they were rating or double username restrictions, there'd be so many posts/web threads here - plenty (people, as you can see, usually post what they think - about "bugs" ... no one really bothers with the words or threads ...).
And if only a few posts per year (per year!) from all language parts of the forum - then there ... either a floating bug, or something with the computer ...


And now ... can you imagine... for example, you're on holiday... with your laptop... it crashed ... You buy something new, install MT4 or MT5, go to MetaEditor, and there - in the table your templates!
Do you know what a templat is? They are your EAs on the charts with your settings, and so on -