Bonuses and how they are awarded

A word of advice to a newcomer. Last year, I used to get rating bonuses all the time. It was convenient for me to use them to pay for the server. In January I put up new products, the attendance went ranking a hundred points a day is growing. Well, I think I'm so a couple more accounts on the server planted. But no, they don't come anymore. Who knows what restrictions may be on the accrual of bonuses?

The bonus programme is already closed. They pay for articles, if you are able to pull them off, then good riddance to this difficult business. And so freelancing, signals and paid products in the marketplace. Balls like they used to be are no more.

Don't you get paid for rating? I get paid every Monday for rating growth - at the rate of $1 per 50p rating.
Vladimir Tkach:
Isn't it paid for rating? I get $1 per 50p rating every Monday.

I guess they do, but not all of them do.

I've never been paid for it, it's a shame :(

Aleksej Shcherbak:
A word of advice to a newcomer. Last year, I used to get rating bonuses all the time. It was convenient for me to use them to pay for the server. In January I put up new products, the attendance went ranking a hundred points a day is growing. Well, I think I'm so a couple more accounts on the server planted. But no, they don't come anymore. Who knows what restrictions may be on the calculation of bonuses?
Only for old users pay, with some year, which are registered.
I've been signed up here since 2011, the bonuses are fine.
Maxim Romanov:
I've been a member since 2011, the bonuses are fine.
I used to be okay every Monday, but I guess it's over.
Vladimir Zubov:

The bonus programme is already closed. They pay for articles, if you are able to pull them off, then good riddance to this difficult business. And so freelancing, signals and paid products in the marketplace. Balls like they used to be are no more.

You could have announced it somewhere.
Vladimir Tkach:
Isn't it paid for rating? I get paid every Monday for rating growth at the rate of $1 per 50p rating.
When was the last charge? I have January 9 and that's it.
Aleksej Shcherbak:
Last Monday, as scheduled $10.
Bonus for 50 rating points

Last bonus, apparently individual approach

But really have a sin, was in a ban, maybe that's why the bonuses were cancelled for me