Damned Martin - page 20

Ivan Butko:
Is that why you *** the wall in my profile with your comment?

Am I ***ing you?

How am I ***ing you all over the wall?

Poverty does no honour!

A person wrote a robot for you and you call that robot a third party instead of thanking the person.

Ivan Butko:
Sergey, what was the initial balance when you tested it?
Don't you know how to use a tester?)
Emotions, please, hide and do not express them.
Evgeny Belyaev:

Poverty does not do honour!

After such words I get more and more convinced of my own.

Evgeny Belyaev:

How am I ***ing up your whole wall?

Ulcer. We are not friends with you to throw such posts. You understand people's psychology very well, it is easier for them to accept an unsupported hatred than a positive comment. They often take the latter with hostility.
Or don't understand it. I already doubt it.

Evgeny Belyaev:

The man wrote a robot for you, and you call that robot an outsider

Bystander - as in not mine! Bystander - as in not related to the Signal, because I was responding to a post about the Signal, so it was at least in context. OK the first, but the second could have been elaborated on.
And where did "outsider" get its negative connotation from in the first place? Only in your imagination.


instead of thanking the man.

I am eternally grateful to everyone who has spent time on this endeavour, also previously thanked in the comments. Again I see no basis for this verbal "throw-in".
Evgeny Belyaev:
Don't you know how to use a tester?)
What's that got to do with anything? Read and look carefully at the previous posts:

1) Sergey posted only graphics, without exact figures (that's what I asked him to do)

2) I asked for an accurate figure of the original balance

3) I am not at home. No tester here and I won't install it, not my computer. And if possible(!) and willing(!) to send back the results. (Thanks to Sergei, posted immediately)

This is a summary of previous comments.
Vladimir Karputov:
Emotions, please, hide and do not express them.
I'm sorry, such words sometimes convey so much of the emotional fullness of what has happened that there is no strength to find a synonym
Vitaly Muzichenko:
As expected, there is no difference, the only difference will be in one case - correct inputs
There will only be a difference in one case, only not correct inputs, but testing against all ticks rather than against control points.
Alexey Viktorov:
The only difference will be in one case only, not correct entries, but testing on all ticks instead of control points.
I write a lot of setups with averaging and pyramiding, so I know for sure, to avoid drawdown and increase the lot, you should not rush into the market at every one-minute bar, but to wait for a normally confirmed signal and then enter by it, and not to think about what you are losing or not losing movement. It's better to lose a part of the movement than to average against the market, even with a paired closing. The grid strategies are initially traded with minimal lot, so expecting from them 1000% profit per day is meaningless, but waiting for the big drawdown is always necessary. The strategy is not bad with a correct approach, but again, it depends on the quality of searching for the entry signal. If you enter more or less correctly, you won't need to average 50 knees, while if you enter by a coin, you will fail at 1000 points and even a 100 000 deposit will not be enough to survive.
Vitaly Muzichenko:
Sure they do, they just pop up in the middle of nowhere, the last one was on the yen during Trump's election and nobody expected such a move, or should I say they did, but in the opposite direction.

and I was waiting and standing in the market at the time

♪ and now I'm on the market ♪

wait for another one like this the other day.

By the way, any info on the gridlocks?


An EA using a trend-following martin has a nicer test chart. Without the pairwise close.