The philosophy of algotrading - page 12

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Yes, imagine a cyborg, kidneys transplanted from stem cells generated in a kidney factory, ovaries from a young monkey, legs replaced by prosthetics to run at 300-500 km per hour, electronically controlled blood pump where the heart used to be...... in the head, just below the ear, a USD-32567 micro jack for knowledge transfer, hundreds of processors added to the cranium for faster decision-making...

and from biology, the bare minimum is left with upgrades.

Well, that's great! Let's strive for it!))
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Yes, imagine a cyborg, kidneys transplanted from stem cells generated in a kidney factory, ovaries from a young monkey, legs replaced by prosthetics to run at 300-500 km per hour, electronically controlled blood pump where the heart used to be...... in the head, just below the ear, a USD-32567 micro jack for knowledge transfer, hundreds of processors added to the cranium for faster decision-making...

and from biology, the bare minimum is left with upgrades.

Man is in fact a biological robot. It is reproduced according to a certain programme from tiny particles by adding new particles from consumed food, it is upgraded to a certain height-thickness, at a certain period the programme gives it the right to age and to be destroyed. A veritable robot. Controlled by a program to reproduce a new model by interbreeding with another robot, via a twisted pair. So much for the primitive computer network. By the way, viruses are also transmitted through it, just like in ordinary computers, to disable the rival program.
Реter Konow:

Morally, trading is neutral.

It is a process of redistribution of funds between market actors, technically supported by market infrastructure.

From this perspective, pyramid schemes are also neutral.
From this point of view, pyramids are also neutral.
Question for you:

1. Do you consider trading to be something that is not completely decent (like parasitism)?

2. What is wrong with redistributing finances between market subjects if each of them knows what they are doing and why?
Реter Konow:
The question is for you:

1. Do you consider trading to be something that is not completely decent (like parasitism)?

2. What is wrong with redistributing finance between market subjects, if each of them knows what they are doing and why?

Speculation used to be punished severely. Sometimes they used to be carried out by firing squad. Why do you think so?

Forex is speculation. I mean yes, parasitism.)

Yes, and other near-exchange sufferings that are not related to trade in real resources, in principle, also speculation. You don't get your hands on stocks or precious metals or petroleum products, but only figures. It is like an unsecured dollar, just numbers. Now you have it, but tomorrow you won't even be able to wipe it off, it's not big enough.
Vitalie Postolache:

1. Speculation used to be punished quite severely. Sometimes by firing squad. Why do you think so?

2) Forex is speculation. I mean yes, parasitism.)

And the rest of the suffering around the stock market, not related to trade with real resources, is speculation. You don't get your hands on stocks or precious metals or petroleum products, but only figures. It is like an unsecured dollar, just numbers. You have it now and tomorrow you won't even be able to wipe it off, the size is too small.

1. Was it punished and shot all over the world during the history of mankind, or in one country at a certain period of its development?

2. The market in general is more than forex, and trading is not only speculation for one's own enrichment. The meaning of trading used to be different. Companies were opened which were looking for financial investments to build their business and benefit the society. Conscious people - investors - bought shares in these companies in the form of stocks. In this way, they sponsored and supported the cause of the companies, earning income along with them as divestments. Were such investments bad for society? Were they immoral?

It was the market and the investments that built the biggest companies in history, without which our world would not be at the stage it is today.

Could I be wrong?

In the Soviet Union, people were put to death for speculation, obviously because this activity was in conflict with the ideology of universal material equality.

P.S. About the "insecurity of papers", you are wrong. Stock exchanges work with depositaries, where traders' shares are stored and all serious brokers pay dividends to the holders of these shares (I mean companies pay out, and brokers transfer them to the account). The securities are modern futures and CFDs. To invest and receive dividends you only have to trade real shares.
Vitalie Postolache:

Speculation used to be punished quite severely. Sometimes by firing squad. Why do you think so?

Forex is speculation. I mean yes, parasitism)))

And the rest of the near-exchange suffering, which is not connected with trade in real resources, is speculation, too, in principle. You don't get your hands on stocks or precious metals or the same petroleum products, you only get figures. It is like an unsecured dollar, just numbers. You have it now, and tomorrow you won't even be able to wipe it off, it won't be big enough.

Look at the definition of speculation. The term covers any trading activity, be it trading coins, stamps, fodder or currency.

Another thing is non-payment of taxes from trading (and any other value-added activity), in which case such activity (without paying taxes) has always been prosecuted, both before and now.

Parasitism is taking advantage of the host without his consent. Theft, robbery, and swindling are parasitic, while speculation, with the payment of taxes, is an honest activity, as long as both parties are equally aware of the risks and profits.


Apparently, now by speculation we mean here the futile resale of non-existent values to society and the meaningless fluctuation of the price by the crowd...

Could this be a sign of the degeneration of modern trading? Most of us do not care anymore what we buy and resell, how and who will be sponsored and developed by it. Seeing our own activities from this perspective makes us cringe, which is understandable.

We are very far removed from the beginning and have forgotten the main point of trading. We have forgotten its social utility and necessity. Isn't it time to remember?

Реter Konow:

Apparently, now by speculation we mean here the futile resale of non-existent values to society and the meaningless fluctuation of the price by the crowd...

Could this be a sign of the degeneration of modern trading? Most of us do not care anymore what we buy and resell, how and who will be sponsored and developed by it. Seeing our own activity from this side, we are disgusted with it, which is understandable.

We are very far from the beginning and have forgotten the main meaning of trading. We have forgotten its social utility and necessity. Maybe it is time to remember?

It's OK, we are not parasites).

I classify all kinds of parasites among real parasites - Forex phooeyers. Examples are tester hawls in the Market, frauds in the signals service.

Andrey Dik:

It's OK, we are not parasites).

The real parasites I refer to are all sorts of forex phooeyers. Examples of this are tester gaols in the market, frauds in the signals service.

Interestingly, the complex about their own parasitism is most peculiar to decent traders.)