The philosophy of algotrading - page 9

Server Muradasilov:

Are quotes different for everyone (a couple of pips do not count) - so logically there is someone who owns

One could also consider themБанк_международных_расчётов

If we look at it from this perspective, it would appear that when grandmothers sell their potatoes at the market, the market owner would be the owner of the potatoes. But this is not the case. The market owner can become the owner of the potatoes if he buys them and influence the price if he buys them at a higher price than usual.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

The water level in the sea is the same, a couple or three metres for waves and tides don't count. Who commands the water? ))

Financial markets are so interconnected that large differences in quotes cannot technically arise. The law of communicating vessels, if you don't like the sea analogy.

You didn't read the link but you made your ironclad point :)
Uladzimir Izerski:
If we look at it this way, it would appear that when grandmothers sell their potatoes at the market, the market owner will be the owner of the potatoes. The market owner can own the potatoes if he buys them and influence the price if he buys them at a higher price than usual.
You can leave potatoes to the bazaars, and who sells them?) Why am I surprised because it's a philosophical topic :)
Server Muradasilov:
You can leave potatoes to the bazaars, and who sells them))) Why am I surprised, it's a philosophical thread :)
Philosophy is a thing. You can't spread it on bread. Sorry if that hurt, old chap).
Alexey Volchanskiy:
About one system more plz. I always thought forex was a decentralised system and there is no single authorised organisation or person who owns the forex currency market.

The second organisation that has an impact, as you say, is the authorised organisation, which can even be called a puppet, and why not? After all, it is its direct responsibility:

The main functions of the IMF are

to promote international cooperation in monetary policy

expansion of world trade


stabilising monetary exchange rates

advising debtor countries (debtors)

development of international financial statistics standards

collection and publication of international financial statistics

IMF -- International Monetary Fund Home Page
IMF -- International Monetary Fund Home Page
IMF Home page with links to News, About the IMF, Fund Rates, IMF Publications, What's New, Standards and Codes, Country Information and featured topics

What is the most important thing for algotrading?

1 The ATC algorithm.

2 The liquidity of the instrument.

3. In some cases speed of execution on the part of the broker.

4 Reliable communication.

Nothing else is required for the individual trader. Bankers are a different matter altogether.

Server Muradasilov:
Of course you didn't read the link, but you put up your ironclad mojo :)

Why, I read it and didn't see the slightest hint that the MDB owns forex. Moreover, the objectives are spelled out as

The purpose of the bank is:

To promote cooperation between central banks, to create new opportunities for international financial transactions and to act as a trustee or agent for international payment transactions entrusted to it by treaties with the member parties.

-Article 3 of the BIS Constitution

Server Muradasilov:

The second organisation that has an impact, as you say, is the authorised organisation, which can even be called a puppet, and why not? After all, its direct responsibility:

The main functions of the IMF are

to promote international cooperation in monetary policy

expansion of world trade


stabilising monetary exchange rates

advising debtor countries (debtors)

development of international financial statistics standards

collection and publication of international financial statistics

So what's next? Is this another forex owner in your hypotheticals? The usual aims of a major international bank.

And they do not seem to have a good track record of stabilisation, do you think?

Uladzimir Izerski:

What is the most important thing for algotrading?

1 The ATC algorithm.

2 The liquidity of the instrument.

3. In some cases speed of execution on the part of the broker.

4 Reliable communication.

Nothing else is required for the individual trader. Bankers are a different matter altogether.

It's not an algotrading philosophy, or even a strategy of that direction, but a tactic...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Why, I read it and didn't see the slightest hint that the MDB owns forex. Moreover, the objectives are spelled out as

The purpose of the bank is:

To promote cooperation between central banks, to create new opportunities for international financial transactions and to act as a trustee or agent for international payment transactions entrusted to it by treaties with member parties.

-Article 3 of the BIS Articles of Association

Didn't you read it thoroughly?Part of the BIS functions are to a large extent taken over bythe International Monetary Fund. That is, who influences the currency is not the owner of the OTC markets, what are they (markets) for nothing, by themselves?