The philosophy of algotrading - page 8

Реter Konow:

What if we look at trading not in terms of producing useful products, but in terms of monetary redistribution between market actors?

The essence of the redistribution process is to take excess financial capacity away from the less capable and give it to the more capable.

And these more capable ones will be in the business of producing something useful.

What if this is how society selects the most promising individuals and projects?

If you are talking about conscience, don't even bother, like all of us here
Vladimir Zubov:
A lot of things in this world are parasitic, including what we sit on the Internet ... Let's go work with a shovel and herd sheep, shall we?
That's right. The time when subsistence economy prevailed was the best time for humanity. There was a principle of rational sufficiency and there was harmony between nature and man. Man made use of the resources and gifts of nature without causing great harm to it. And what is it now? Hundreds of thousands of factories and plants are fuming and poisoning the environment in order to have some things that are not absolutely necessary for human existence (over and above what he had in a subsistence economy). The planet is suffocating and nature is being destroyed. In the oceans and rivers there are less and less fish, and in the forests less and less wild animals. Some people are already emigrating from China because of the smog. Humanity will soon degrade and drown in its own shit if the principle of rational sufficiency is not elevated to the status of the most important law for all mankind.
Реter Konow:
You mean values are becoming fake money?

Values remain values, but they have learned how to take them away with fake fiat money.

Server Muradasilov:

Off-exchange markets may close at some point, and that's it - water and money are over.

Gold is infinite - it is impossible to calculate its amount, even approximately, it is everywhere, and science does not stand still, they will find ways to extract it.

As paper crumbles, burns, decays - gold, like water, may have several states, and each of them can easily become an instrument of payment.

Who will close them all over the world? Or are you just talking about Russia or any other country?
Maxim Kuznetsov:

only the Germans don't know about it :-)

The girls rock, but the language is awful ))) Like a crowbar on a frozen rail in -50 C )))
Anyway, I got 15,000 points for that post, which means I'm right!


Alexey Volchanskiy:
Who is going to close them all over the world? Or are you referring exclusively to Russia or any other single country?
Yes, anywhere, or everywhere at once - the system is the same
Server Muradasilov:
Anywhere or everywhere at once - the system is the same.
One system, please. I always thought that forex is a decentralised system and there is no single authorised organisation or person who owns the forex currency market.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
About one system more details please. I always thought that Forex is a decentralised system and there is no single authorised organisation or person who owns the Forex exchange market.

Are quotes different for everyone (a couple of pips do not count) - so logically there is someone who owns

One could also consider themБанк_международных_расчётов

Server Muradasilov:

Are quotes different for everyone (a couple of pips do not count) - so logically there is someone who owns

One could also consider themБанк_международных_расчётов

Sea level is the same, a couple or three metres for waves and tides/tides don't count. Who commands the water? ))

Financial markets are so interconnected that large divergences in quotes cannot technically arise. The law of communicating vessels, if you don't like the sea analogy.