The philosophy of algotrading - page 4


Definition: Human activity is parasitic if it does not bring any benefit to society.

Sometimes one hears the bold statement that IT is parasitic. That is, all the benefits that IT has supposedly brought are in fact self-defeating. For example, meta-quotes are parasites from this point of view, because they do not bring anything useful to society, while sucking out the universal benefits that are produced by that society. This is a broad topic (IT is a parasite) and everyone decides for themselves. But probably not many will revive the unpleasant label on a familiar IT-related phenomenon.

Algotrading is one of the most parasitic spheres of human activity and also one of the most intelligent among them.

Accordingly, an algotrader is an intellectual parasite of society.

Any excuses that algotrading stimulates the development of new technologies (algorithms + physics + microelectronics, etc.) are in fact only excuses. So are the myths about creating so-called liquidity that is good for the economy.

I haven't come across any algotraders myself who care about this issue. Because it is a subaltern one, i.e. not at all down-to-earth. Or maybe because I have not met many of them.

Thank you for your voluminous and well-founded point of view.

However, are there any positive aspects of algotrading or can there not be in your opinion?


If you think about it, everyone parasitises each other, albeit to a different extent. Trading is no exception. But if we look at it more sensibly, then in trading we need to understand who is a parasite and who is food for it.

So the maths is that 95% are food and 5% are food for later))

Serqey Nikitin:

Interesting thought....

You could also add football, poker, ballet and archery...

Kirkorov and the like have been forgotten ) I see one person every day (I live on the 1st floor) who certainly does me and others good - an Uzbek cleaning lady who sweeps the street and cleans my front room. But would you like to benefit in this way? ))
Uladzimir Izerski:

If you think about it, everyone parasitises each other, albeit to a different extent. Trading is no exception. But if you look at it more consciously, then in trading you need to understand who is a parasite and who is food for it.

So the maths is that 95% are food and 5% are food for later))

And if you also think about scarab beetles...
Реter Konow:

Thank you for the voluminous and well-reasoned point of view.

However, are there positive aspects of algotrading or can there not be in your opinion?

Of course there are. I have many examples of people dying of boredom after retirement. And retirement can be at 45, as you know. And with algotrading it is not a threat. It has also been proven that constant mental exertion keeps the mind clear.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
And if you also think of scarab beetles...
I mean both this and that...
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Of course it is. I have plenty of examples of people drinking themselves to death after retirement. And you can retire at 45, as you know. And with algotrading this is not a threat. In addition, it is proved that constant mental stress contributes to the preservation of mental clarity.

Indeed, you can't argue with that...

Is algotrading a form of gold rush in recent history?

A curious phenomenon from any point of view.

Реter Konow:

Indeed, you can't argue with that...

Is algotrading a form of gold rush in recent history?

A curious phenomenon from any point of view.

That's true. As much as I was a fan of playing chess, I gave it up and don't remember it as soon as I got the chance to play the markets. You never get bored in trading. You certainly will not suffer from idleness.
Реter Konow:

Indeed, you can't argue with that...

Is algotrading a form of gold rush in recent history?

A curious phenomenon from any point of view.

Gambling and addiction - with all that it implies, up to and including mental confusion, if you want gambling addiction, the perception is no different from that of a casino)))
Реter Konow:

Is algotrading a form of gold rush in recent history?

A curious phenomenon from any perspective.

Algotrading is the best experimental platform for an Inventor. Any invention can be INVENTED almost instantly. No other inventor in any other line of business has such an opportunity. And importantly, to be rewarded immediately for the implementation of their invention, if, of course, it is really an invention...