The philosophy of algotrading - page 3

Vadim Konyaev:

Oh, yeah!

Yesterday I wrote it down in my bio:

All(any) elements of Technical Analysis are second derived from elements of Fundamental Analysis!

... Well?! xphilosophical:)

And the elements of Fundamental Analysis are second from the American financial clans and third from the monkey puppet president.

The first derivative is the sinister plots of the reptiloids of course)

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Ugh, it's August..Not interesting, any fool will look at the story now. Today (09.01.2017) will rise to 1.52 and turn short
Doesn't matter if it goes up or down, is there a solution to this problem? Double is a classic but maybe there are other solutions
Alexey Volchanskiy:

And the elements of Fundamental Analysis are second from the American financial clans and third from the monkey puppet president.

The first derivative is the sinister plots of the reptiloids)

Oh yeah! Page 3 gets to the bottom of it:)))

Definition: Human activity is parasitic if it does not bring any benefit to society.

Sometimes one hears the bold statement that IT is parasitic. That is, all the benefits that IT has supposedly brought are in fact self-defeating. For example, meta-quotes are parasites from this point of view, because they do not bring anything useful to society, while sucking out the universal benefits that are produced by that society. This is a broad topic (IT is a parasite) and everyone decides for themselves. But probably not many will revive the unpleasant label on a familiar IT-related phenomenon.

Algotrading is one of the most parasitic spheres of human activity and also one of the most intelligent among them.

Accordingly, an algotrader is an intellectual parasite of society.

Any justification that algotrading stimulates the development of new technologies (algorithms+physics+microelectronics, etc.) are actually just excuses. So are the myths about creating so-called liquidity that is good for the economy.

I haven't come across any algotraders myself who care about this issue. Because it is a subaltern one, i.e. not at all down-to-earth. Or maybe it's because I haven't met many of them.

Try to read what is productive and unproductive labour, otherwise you are mixing everything into one heap.

All that you said about the parasitic -- the only thing we can leave out is the modern financial world and any activity aimed at maintaining and developing it.

And as for IT labour unrelated to the financial system -- see productive and non-productive labour.

Vadim Konyaev:
Oh, yeah! Page 3 gets to the bottom of it:)))

My robot of the most honest rules

♪ when he got sick on purpose ♪

♪ made him melt himself down ♪

♪ and I couldn't think of a better one ♪

Alexander Antoshkin:

My robot of the most honest rules

♪ when he got sick on purpose ♪

♪ made him melt himself down ♪

♪ and I couldn't think of a better one ♪


Poems are good.

And again a terrorist attack,
The price has risen to the tee.
Take a profit.



The Psychology of the Market! (Bill Wilms)4

Evgeny Belyaev:

The philosophy of alco-trading, what is it like?


For some reason it always reads like that to me too.

Consequently, the algotrader is an intellectual parasite of society.

Interesting thought....

You could also add football, poker, ballet and archery...


the philosophy of algotrading...

When I think of a robot philosopher, I shudder:

"The sun has already set.

And EURUSD is down, too,

"and you, master, have a stop-loss!
