The philosophy of algotrading


For a long time I felt a necessity to create a branch generalizing people's philosophical concepts about the market, trading psychology, programming, etc...

In general, - a branch for people who like to think and share their thoughts with others.

Feel free to post your thoughts on the topics that interest you.


P.S. Prerequisite: to use a philosophical style of presentation.

Task: strive to get to the bottom of the topic being raised, in order to get to the bottom of it together with everyone else.


Реter Konow:

For a long time I felt the need to create a branch with philosophical thoughts of people about the market, trading psychology , programming, and so on...

In general, - a branch for people who like to think deeply and share their thoughts with others.

Feel free to post your thoughts on the subjects you are interested in.


P.S. Prerequisite: apply a philosophical style of presentation.

Task: to get to the bottom of the raised subject, in order to finally understand it.


How to codify psychology ?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

How to codify psychology ?

Interesting question :) If you have any thoughts write. )

I am interested in it too. I'll formulate the concept later and write it up.

Vladimir Gribachev:

OK.When I'm sober from the holidays, I'll get right into the theme :)

You just start, and then catch up.

Your work I know and very interesting - so go for it!

Thanks, waiting for your thoughts. )

I will add my thoughts to this thread from time to time.

It will not be boring).

Реter Konow:

For a long time I felt the need to create a branch with philosophical thoughts of people about the market, trading psychology, programming, and so on...

In general, - a branch for people who like to think deeply and share their thoughts with others.

Feel free to post your thoughts on the subjects you are interested in.


P.S. Prerequisite: apply a philosophical style of presentation.

Task: to get to the bottom of the raised subject, in order to finally understand it.


And what is the topic? Philosophy of the algo - so there is no such thing. There's psychology.)
Alexey Volchanskiy:
What's the topic? Algo philosophy - so there isn't one. There is psychology )).
It's a branch for different philosophical thoughts about the psychology of trading, or the future of algotrading. Or about something else...
Реter Konow:
This thread is for philosophical thoughts about the psychology of trading or the future of algotrading. Or about something else ...
Ahh, I see, now we're going to think of something ))
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Ahh, I see, now we're going to think of something.)

Yes, please. ))

I'd love to read it).


Alco-trading philosophy, what's that?

Oh, pardon me, it turns out this is about algotrading .

The whole philosophy of robotrading comes from economics. Buy low, sell high.

All that is left to do is to determine the entry and exit price. Do you have any suggestions?

Evgeny Belyaev:

Alco-trading philosophy, what's that?

Oh, pardon me, it turns out this is about algotrading .

The whole philosophy of robotrading comes from economics. Buy low, sell high.

All that is left to do is to determine the entry and exit price. Do you have any suggestions?

You don't have to define cheap and expensive. We need to be able to determine:

  1. The direction of price movement in the next 2-10 minutes.
  2. Approximate boundaries of this movement.
With these minimal skills it is possible to earn good money on scalping.

If you have predictions for weeks or months ahead, you should work in meteorology, as they say.

- At a pink sunrise I'll predict the future.
- It'll come true, it won't, it'll all be forgotten tomorrow.

Or become a financial analyst, where everything is even more cynical ))


Definition: Human activity is parasitic if it does not bring any benefit to society.

Sometimes one hears the bold statement that IT is parasitic. That is, all the benefits that IT has supposedly brought are in fact self-defeating. For example, meta-quotes are parasites from this point of view, because they do not bring anything useful to society, while sucking out the universal benefits that are produced by that society. This is a broad topic (IT is a parasite) and everyone decides for themselves. But probably not many will revive the unpleasant label on a familiar IT-related phenomenon.

Algotrading is one of the most parasitic spheres of human activity and also one of the most intelligent among them.

Accordingly, an algotrader is an intellectual parasite of society.

Any justification that algotrading stimulates the development of new technologies (algorithms+physics+microelectronics, etc.) are actually just excuses. So are the myths about creating so-called liquidity that is good for the economy.

I haven't come across any algotraders myself who care about this issue. Because it is a subaltern one, i.e. not at all down-to-earth. Or maybe it's because I haven't met many of them.