Interesting Financial Video - page 9


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Interview with Alexey Afanasievsky. Robinhood traders are meat

MetaQuotes, 2020.08.07 11:12

There is a new video on our partner DEREX's channel: Aninterview with Alexey Afanasievsky. Robinhood traders are meat

Alexey Afanasievsky is the founder of the Finartel fund and has been in the market since 1999. He will tell us:

  • How hedge funds make money
  • What to do when petrol is more expensive than oil
  • About gas spreads and widowmakers
  • Will mathematicians and quants drive ordinary people out of the market?
  • How much is a hedge
  • What is the maximum volume of money effective for the Russian market?
  • About mirror instruments and trading with them

Enjoy watching! Subscribe to the channel, like and comment - your feedback is very important.

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