An imbalance of subscribers among signal providers - page 12

Ivan Butko:
You don't seem to see the difference with everyone else when one top has a subscriber in a week and a second top has a subscriber in a few minutes. Simply because he has dozens of times more subscribers. And this wave of subscribers will only grow, with each new one proving a crowd effect. And both traders have been working for over a year.

Yeah, you defenders.
You seemingly do not want to understand simple truths : there is a concept of how long the account is alive and there is a concept of how long the top has been working in the monitoring and how long he has been earning followers by good trading, for example : the signal has been working in the monitoring for 1.For example: Signal A has been working for 1.5 years and he's been earning subscribers for 1.5 years already ... But he's been working for 7 months on the monitor ... so he didn't manage to get the same result ... and you're all talking about "the Crowd Effect" - he's got plenty of history and good traders ... So, it's not so good for him ... If he connects to the monitor, you get a very good trading history ... while you're stuck with the "crowd effect" and shouting left and right - but you do not want to see the obvious... ....
Maxim Kuznetsov:
If you have nothing to say, you should have kept your mouth shut rather than rehashing 10 pages of flooding :-)

The only significant and measurable indicator of a signal's success is getting people into the system. There cannot be anything else. Any mysterious coefficient that depends only on trade can be (and will be) simulated for the sake of being in the top of the list. MQ's interest is to increase the number of subscribers, the vendor's interest is to draw attention to itself, i.e. to be higher in the ranking. If the rotation is too slow (the TOP is the same and ever-memorable Taras takes over everything), the interests of new suppliers are infringed. So MQ tries to keep balance on signal promotion in "ranking" (in fact, search/visual), but many do not like slowness and start a fuss. By the way, no one has shown adequate evidence of "permanence of TOP", but everyone vied with each other to change the ranking.

And again - if you do not like the rating (the order in which signals are issued to the site or their scores), make your own. You have all the features - why do you think that MQ should do it for you?
Excuse me for being a "flooder" and making you read such nonsense ... what is the disadvantage of new providers? That they need, like the notorious Top to trade for a year and a half instead of a month or 2 to achieve his results? Or what is the disadvantage? Explain it to me to the confused....
Афанасий Грозный:
You seem to stubbornly refuse to understand simple truths: there is a concept of how long the account is alive and the concept of how long the top has been in the monitoring and how long he is already a good trade to earn subscribers, an example: a signal and a monitor has 1.For example: Signal A has been working for 1.5 years and he's been earning subscribers for 1.5 years already ... But he's been working for 7 months on the monitor ... so he didn't manage to get the same result ... and you're all talking about "the Crowd Effect" - he's got plenty of history and good traders ... So, it's not so good for him ... If he connects to the monitor, you get a very good trading history ... while you are stuck with the "crowd effect" and are shouting right and left - but you do not want to see the obvious ....

That's what I'm talking about
Marat Khabiev:
Subscriber statistics (11.02.2017):
Total number of subscribers: >5470
Number of subscribers of the first provider by total subscribers: 1981 (36.22% of the total number of subscribers).
Number of subscribers from the first five providers by total subscribers: 3,468 (63.40% of total subscribers).

Please parse the number of subscribers every minute (at least the leader).

To then build a graph of the dynamics of subscribers, depending on time.

I want to understand at what time of day and week there is the lowest and highest activity of subscribers.


Please parse the number of subscribers every minute (at least for the leader).

In order to then plot the dynamics of subscribers, depending on time.

I would like to understand at what time of day and week the lowest and highest subscriber activity is observed.

Parsing is a strong word, it's all the same old-fashioned way through These statistics do not include signals that were not found and the reliability of such statistics is less than 80% of the real situation. The man just promotes his signals again, he created 30 threads and cries in each one how signals are ineffective. But meanwhile


And he returns only 1000 signals, while the real number is several times larger.
Evgeny Belyaev:
Pairing is a strong word, it's the old-fashioned way of doing things.


This is the number of signals. The information about subscribers is parsed.
Evgeny Belyaev:
Pairing is a strong word, it's all the same old-fashioned way.


All these statistics do not take into account the signals dropped out of the search, the validity of such stats is less than 80% of the real layouts. The man is simply promoting his signals again, he has already created 30 threads and cries in each of them as the signals are not effective. But meanwhile


And he returns only 1000 signals, while the real number is several times larger.

You will not calm down, you want to slander us. Eugene, you have nothing to do with signals. Calm down and do not spam the branch. Instead of asking how we calculate, you immediately scream that we have no credibility. How the statistics look like:

Total number of subscribers: >5470 (more than 5470 means that there are more, even if someone dropped out)

For the first 1 and 5 providers the number of subscribers is even easier to calculate.

As for the 30 branches. Only 4 branches have been created by us.

You clearly have a problem with mathematics. Eugene, please pay more attention to yourself and your problems.