Twisting and turning, iMA's trying to cheat - page 6

Vladimir Karputov:

Karputov, if you still have doubts about the incorrectness of the title of your topic, I suggest you read everything at the link you provided

There in the example is this:

bool FillArrayFromBuffer(double &values[],   // индикаторный буфер значений Moving Average
                         int shift,          // смещение
                         int ind_handle,     // хэндл индикатора iMA
                         int amount          // количество копируемых значений

-- it clearly says"indicator buffer of Moving Average values"

-- and"iMA indicator handle", where iMA is the reference to the function for getting the indicator handle

p.s. maybe this is a bit of a nit-picking question - but your topic is mostly read by newbies - and you created it especially for newbies - you have to teach them to understand correctly what is meant here and what is its name and why

p.s. if you open the terminal help, the indicator is also called"Moving Average", not iMA

The Great Bookworm and Nerd has never heard of the term "search engine optimization"? I suggest you study it, and while you do, I hope you won't have time to get nerdy.

In addition to the above.

If you go to the MQL4 documentation

There is a table with function and indicator names correspondence -- and it says function "iMA", indicator name"Moving Average".

If you follow the link to the iMA function it reads "iMAReturnsValue of MovingAverage Technical Indicator".

Vladimir Karputov:
The great Bookworm and Nerd has never heard of the term "search engine optimization"? I advise you to study it, and while you will, I hope you will not have time to practice your nerdiness.

oh, great guru and teacher, karputov -- what does the term "search engine optimisation" have to do with the topic of this thread?

I'm guessing, though.

Earlier you said this:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Initialization of global program variables and other useful knowledge.

Vladimir Karputov, 2016.11.29 21:47

Two content-sniffing amateurs. I'll stop bringing it up now, especially as the birds are cawing outside the window - it's morning.

and there was Dali's title for the painting "A dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate, a second before awakening"Сон,_вызванный_полётом_пчелы_вокруг_граната,_за_секунду_до_пробуждения

is that it? -- the "birds" outside your window -- and my allegory with the title of Dali's painting match up?

p.s. i admit that every title of your next thread has some hidden meaning

then it would be nice to write a text in the title to make it clear what's what.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Don't repeat the terms in the wrong context.

There is no iMA indicator - there is an MA orMoving Average indicator

And iMA is just a function of getting theMoving Average indicator handle.

Look at other users' posts -- only the main threader is using iMA for some reason -- all others, who know what I'm talking about, are using MA.

The topic is written about iMA

iMA is a function

the person is trying to use a function

Let me explain in more detail

iMA is a function and MA is an indicator

explain what is the difference between a function and an indicator?


explain how a function is different from an indicator?

Of course explain
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
Of course, to explain

An indicator is an information system that works with the price stream of quotes, converting them in the most human-friendly way possible.

A function is a piece of program code used to process data.


An indicator is an information system that works with the price stream of quotes, converting them in the most human-friendly way possible.

A function is a part of program code used to process data.

In this case let's once again read the subject of the topic: "I am spinning and twisting the iMA to cheat".

According to your explanation, the questioner wants to cheat a function, a part of program code.


Andrey F. Zelinsky:

In that case, let's read the topic of the topic again: "I'm trying to cheat iMA".

According to your explanation, the questioner intends to cheat a function - a part of program code.



No, I understand that maybe he's trying to cheat the iMA indicator on the dashboard of his foreign car and he got it wrong or made a mistake on the forum, we are all human.

Or that he made mistakes in the thread from - what you alone didn't like it so much.

The fact remains that you decided to pick on the topic instead of helping to develop an iMA-based EA, and don't pretend you were just passing by and don't understand what we're talking about.



No, I understand that maybe he's trying to cheat on the iMA indicator on the dashboard of his foreign car and got it wrong or made a mistake on the forum, we're all human.

Or that he made mistakes in the thread from - what you alone didn't like it so much.

The fact remains that you decided to pick on the topic instead of helping to develop an iMA-based EA, and don't pretend you were just passing by and don't understand what we're talking about.
