Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 1924

PapaYozh #:

An array and a structure are ALWAYS passed to a function by reference.

Did I say something different?

I wrote"if somethingis passed to a function by reference...".

So a person should immediately understand that the structure will most likely be filled in the function. But one should look at the help - what the structure is passed there for.

I did not intend to write a detailed explanation with all the necessary conclusions, but just showed the person how to understand where the structure may be filled in. It may or may not be.

I'm not going to write a whole lecture here. It was not about what is ALWAYS passed by reference, but IF something is passed by reference, you should read the description of this function carefully - to know what the structure is passed into it for.


The point is that arrays and structures are never passed to an MQL function other than by reference.

That is, there is no "IF" with respect to arrays and structures.

PapaYozh #:

The point is that arrays and structures are never passed to an MQL function other than by reference.

That is, there is no "IF" with respect to arrays and structures.

I'm probably not good at explaining myself in Russian.

If an array, structure or variable is passed into a function...

Not "if it's passed by reference"...

It's "if it's passed by reference". Because it may not be passed.

And since they are always passed by reference only, that's what I've written about:"if something is passed by referenceinto a function "...

The colour indicates the meaning.

Am I making myself clear now?

The most interesting thing is that the person I wrote it to understood it all perfectly well from the first time. So maybe I'm not the one who's not making myself clear?

Artyom Trishkin #:

I must not be good at articulating myself in Russian.

If an array, structure or variable is passed to a function...

Not "if passed by reference"...

But if it's passed. Because it may not.

And since they are always passed by reference only, that's what I meant:"if something is passed by referenceinto a function "...

The colour indicates the meaning.

Am I making myself clear now?

The most interesting thing is that the person I wrote it to understood it all perfectly well from the first time. So maybe I'm not the one who's bad at it?

Don't be so nervous.

PapaYozh #:

Don't be so nervous.

I always calmly explain to people what I've said - so there are no misunderstandings. Or do you want to think I'm nervous? Wrong, then.

Pissing me off is like painting the sky ;)

I don't want to think so and, moreover, I wouldn't want to piss anyone off, but your overquoting is kind of hinting.
PapaYozh #:
I don't want to think so and, moreover, I wouldn't want to piss anyone off, but your overquoting is kind of hinting.

I just thought that I really didn't make myself very clear, since you didn't understand what I was saying and began to correct me. I have, accordingly, written out my whole message and explained the meaning of what I have written. I do not want there to be any misunderstandings.

Usually, when a person finally understands the meaning of what has been said by his interlocutor, he replies with something like "I understand, thank you for the clarification"... But you asked me not to get nervous (this is from the arsenal of troll actions).

I just want to understand - were you trying to troll me? Or are you not being very clear either?

ZS. I'm still as calm as Rogozin is about his pension.


You see, Artyom, programming is my speciality. I have been doing it since about 1989. Of course, in the beginning it was just a hobby, but it has grown into a profession. That's why I reacted to the phrase "If arrays, structures ... are passed by reference", and since this thread is for newbies, I decided to make, so to speak, a clarification.

I was not trying to troll you.

PapaYozh #:

You see, Artyom, programming is my speciality. I have been doing it since about 1989. Of course, in the beginning it was just a hobby, but it has grown into a profession. That's why I reacted to the phrase "If arrays, structures ... are passed by reference", and since this thread is for newbies, I decided to make, so to speak, a clarification.

I wasn't trying to troll you.

It's good. I've been programming as well for a long time. Since 1993. Four years apart is nothing.

I see your point. Thanks for the clarification for the newbies.

Well, that's great!